A Messenger of Friendship on China-Vietnam Border

来源 :中国-东盟博览(旅游版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanjiawei2005
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  In the old days, she was a vital military area where death and fighting always happened. In contemporary, she is a crucial trade city with flourishing border trade. The harmonious coexistence of the past historical sense and modern business breath shows a particular charm that attracts scores of people. The past setbacks and current open mind constitute this multicultural city, Pingxiang.
  Important military area with long history
  In the southwest of Guangxi, China, there is a city named Pingxiang where people can touch the history of border wars and feel the imprint on peace keeping. With 97-kilometer length of borderlines neighboring Vietnam, Pingxiang is known as the “South Gate of China”. There are two Class-I ports, i.e. Friendship Pass for highway and Pingxiang Pass for railway, one Class-II port and five barter trade sites, so Pingxiang is China's largest and most convenient land route to Vietnam and even Southeast Asia, also being probably destined to be extraordinary due to her geographical advantages.
  Wars can bring sorrowful memories but also generate some famous tourism attractions, of which the most distinctive one is the Friendship Pass. As China’s only border and strategic location being adjacent to Vietnam, Friendship Pass is doomed to witness wars and occupies an important military status. There were more soldiers, fewer businessmen; more cannons, fewer chimneys; more graves, and fewer high-rise buildings, which reflects the society of Pingxiang. In 1965, vice premier of the State Council, Chen Yi (1901-1972) made the name — Friendship Pass — for commemorating and continually deepening the friendship between China and Vietnam, replacing the original name, Zhennan Pass. Currently, this military area has already been transferred to a border port, but the decorous feeling formed by thousands of years of history has not been eliminated.
  Situated in the north of Friendship Pass, the Qing Dynasty Grave for millions of people is a significant evidence of China-France War. Most of soldiers who died for protecting the country during the war against France were buried here. According to the historical records, under the close cooperation of various forces, Chinese army achieved a complete victory after three days and three nights of fierce fighting. This is the famous historical affair, Battle of Bang Bo, which shocked the world at that time. To commemorate the spirit of those brave men, in the tomb-sweeping day of 1898, the inscription, “the great Qing grave”, had been engraved on the tombstone.   Except the well-known border port and the grave of heroes, Pinggangling Underground Great Wall is another attraction in the must-go list of tourists. In the Late Qing Dynasty (1840-1912), the wall became a vital military defense system where two forts were built on the north and south sides respectively connected by over 1,000-meter underground passage, which has two exits connecting to the outside. Walking through the passage, those antiquated garrison room, ammunition depot and command room demonstrate the vestiges of brutal wars.
  History endows these buildings with the significance of times, and in return, constructions become storytellers who allow comers to have in-depth cognition of the unforgettable time about the past of China-Vietnam border. Wars leave indelible scars to those buildings, which seem like phonographs playing historical music to rouse the public's inner desires for peace and friendship. Therefore, people in Pingxiang inherit spirits of courageous predecessors and treat different nations with more inclusive and amicable attitudes.
  A multi-ethnic gathering place
  Pingxiang City is a compact community inhabited by ethnic minorities, which includes about 24 ethnic groups, such as Zhuang, Han, Miao, Jing, Hui, Shui and Dai. Each group has their characteristic customs and habits that would not influence their harmony living and hospitable manner. Walking on the street of Pingxiang, it can be seen that residents gather together for discussing gossips with their neighbors or providing suggestions for visitors favorably.
  The languages used in residents’ living and working contain the local vernacular, Zhuang language, Cantonese, Dongbei dialect, Yulin dialect and many other foreign accents, hence, various languages make people from different cultural backgrounds have cordial feelings for better integration into the local life.
  Rich traditional custom brought about by ethnic settlements becomes an urban element of Pingxiang. No matter because of having funeral affair or due to happy celebrations, the locals usually get together and worship ancestors. In the village where Zhuang’s people live, inhabitants are regarded as “Laotong”, which means that all of them are friends. The natives prefer to have banquet and drink wine with visitors to show their respects and greetings. The featured toasting habit is that hosts use a white porcelain spoon to hold the wine instead of utilizing wine glasses and then invite guests to drain the wine. Furthermore, minorities are fond of singing folk songs and regularly hold singing fairs, especially the song fair on March 3rd Festival for Zhuang’s people.   Prosperous border trade
  As a vital node city of the China-Indochina Peninsula Economic Corridor, Pingxiang is the functional group of Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone. The unique geographical location provides a good objective condition for economic co-operation and cultural interaction between China and Vietnam under the growing development of the border trade.
  In Puzhai barter trade area lain in the border, Chinese and Vietnamese businessmen conduct a transaction for selling their specialty products, such as mahogany and tropical fruits, so as to give birth to Southeast Asia's largest market for semi-finished mahogany furniture and China's largest fruit trading market for ASEAN. The increasingly close economic relationship also strengthens the intercommunication that more Vietnamese are willing to come to Pingxiang for conducting trade, culture and tourism activities.
  The strong business atmosphere, excellent entrepreneurial environment and multicultural fusion enable Pingxiang to be a good habitation for residents and immigrants. Although the development of border trade signifies the transformation of the role that Pingxiang plays, the inclusive and peaceful core of this city still remains intact.
中国有四大名陶,分别为宜兴紫砂陶、云南建水陶、重庆荣昌陶以及钦州坭兴陶。广西有两大最具民族特色的工艺品,一是壮锦,另一是坭兴陶。这种不上釉色却也能出彩的坭兴陶或许并不如其他3类名陶般赫赫有名,但它早已在1915年的“巴拿马太平洋万国博览会”上代表中国获得金奖,将中国陶器的名声一枪打响。  溯源·千年古陶生机依旧  在隋朝末期(公元523年),广西钦州始称“安州”,唐朝初期才改名钦州。而根据《钦县志
广西,是一个多民族聚居的风水宝地,独特的喀斯特地貌特征变幻出形态各异的奇山,丰富的地下水资源似罗黛萦绕在八桂大地。在这奇山秀水的一方天地之间,孕育出绚丽多彩的壮族文化,这其中便包含了编织出壮美八桂大地的广西壮锦,与唱响壮乡风情的广西三月三。  壮锦——交织的锦绣山河  壮锦,一项传承了2000多年的传统手工技艺,与云锦、蜀绣、宋锦并称为“中国四大名锦”。锦者,金也。是壮族人民精彩而珍贵的艺术结晶,
公元前3世纪,亚历山大大帝的部下在亚历山大城内创建了一座专门用于收藏文化珍品的缪斯神庙,这座神庙被认为是人类历史上最早的“博物馆”。而博物馆的英文 museum一词,便是由希腊文的“缪斯”演变而成,随着历史的发展,博物馆也被附上了收藏珍稀宝物的职责。  广西沿海沿边,是骆越故地,历史文化悠久。我们可以从广西各地的博物馆中,一窥这片神奇土地上的旧时往事。其中有3座博物馆各具特色,它们的存在证明了广西
1972年,联合国教科文组织成立了联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会,其宗旨在于促进各国和各国人民之间的合作,为合理保护和恢复全人类共同的遗产作出积极的贡献。截至今天,东盟中9个国家共计拥有28处世界文化遗产,这些文化遗产凝结了东盟各国人民的智慧,更是千百年流传下来的、无比珍贵的文明记忆。  文莱  墨林本湖遗产公园(1984年东盟遗产公园)  墨林本湖是文莱最大的湖泊,被一大片沼泽和古老的墓地环绕着
梯田,作为人类在农业生产中一种重要的土地利用方式,在世界各地并不罕见。世界各地梯田种植的农作物因环境等因素也不尽相同,欧洲的梯田主要种植葡萄和橄榄树,亚洲的梯田则以水稻种植为主。  在菲律宾中北部的吕宋岛巍峨高山中,隐藏着世界上最大规模的水稻梯田——科迪勒拉水稻梯田。因海拔高,梯田顺着山势绵延直上,在缭绕云雾的衬托下,仿佛一条通往天国的绿色阶梯。梯田总共有两万多公顷,相加起来的长度可绕行半个地球,
“花山”是壮语“岜莱”的汉译,“岜”是山的意思,“莱”则指麻点密布,因涂绘于灰黄色崖壁上的赭红图像在远眺之下呈现为斑斑点点的红色麻点而得名。  2016年7月15日,中国广西左江花山岩画文化景观在第40 届世界遗产大会上获准列入世界文化遗产名录。该项目成功申遗,填补了中国岩画类世界遗产名录的空白。  “二广深谿石壁上有鬼影,如淡墨画。船人行,以为其祖考,祭之不敢慢。” 宋人李石的《续博物志》卷八中
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