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从哲学意义上讲,“异化”是指把自己的素质或力量转化为跟自己对立、支配自己的东西。在19世纪,西方资本主义工业革命迅猛发展,社会分工日益细化,金融资本得以形成和发展,产生了“劳动异化”现象。马克思和恩格斯在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中对“劳动异化”进行了分析,文章指出:“劳动异化不仅表现为经济上的异化,还表现为精神上的异化。”人在精神上的异化表现为人的需要被压抑、被限制、被否定,使人屈从于他被迫从事的某种活动,由此形成人格上的不完整性。尤其是当时童工大量进入工厂,丧失了接受文化知识教育的机会,而被迫从事繁重的体力劳动,使本来天真活泼的儿童丧失了童真,更丧失了人格的尊严,成为为人所用的劳动工具。 In the philosophical sense, “alienation” refers to the conversion of one's own qualities or strength into something that is independent of oneself and controls oneself. In the 19th century, the industrial revolution of Western capitalism developed rapidly, the division of labor in society was increasingly refined, the formation and development of financial capital led to the phenomenon of “labor dissimilation.” Marx and Engels analyzed “labor dissimilation” in the 1844 Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts, and pointed out: “Labor dissimilation not only shows economic alienation but also shows spiritual alienation.” In the spirit of The alienation manifested as the need of the people being repressed, restrained and denied, allowing one to subordinate to some kind of activity which he was forced to undertake, thus resulting in the incompleteness of personality. In particular, when the large number of child labor workers entered the factory, they lost the opportunity to receive education in cultural knowledge. They were forced to engage in heavy manual labor, so that innocent children lost their innocence and lost their dignity and become tools of labor for human beings.
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