韩国全称“大韩民国”,位于朝鲜半岛南部,隔“三八线”与朝鲜民主主义人民共和国相邻,面积9.93万平方公理,南北长约500公里,东西宽约250公里,东濒日本海,西临黄海,东南与日本隔海相望。韩国的地形特点是山地多,平原少,海岸线长而曲折,全长5259公里。 韩国四季分明,气候温和、湿润。矿产资源较少,已发现的矿物有280多种,其中有经济价值的50多种。有开采利用价值的矿物有铁、无烟煤、铅、锌、钨等,但储藏量不大。由于自然资源匮乏,主要工业原料均依赖进口。
South Korea’s full name, “Republic of Korea”, is located in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula, adjacent to the “38th Line” and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea adjoins an area of 99,300 square kilometers of justice, about 500 kilometers long from north to south, east-west width of 250 kilometers east of the Sea of Japan, Pro Yellow Sea, Southeast and across the sea from Japan. South Korea’s terrain is characterized by more mountains, less plains, long and tortuous coastline, a total length of 5259 km. South Korea has four seasons, a mild climate and a humid climate. Fewer mineral resources, there are more than 280 kinds of minerals found, of which more than 50 kinds of economic value. There are mining value of the mineral iron, anthracite, lead, zinc, tungsten, etc., but the reserves are not. Due to the scarcity of natural resources, the major industrial raw materials rely on imports.