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资本市场诚信建设不能寄望于市场主体的道德自觉,而应当通过建立有效的制度约束来实现。我国在进行资本市场诚信建设时应当合理借鉴境外资本市场诚信建设的制度经验,深刻理解其制度逻辑,处理好内部约束与外部约束、事前控制与事后控制、原则性宣示与具体化规范之间的关系,并且从统一诚信档案制度、完善司法救济制度和构建社会监管制度上寻求制度突破,通过对我国现有制度进行深入和细化、积极移植境外先进制度并结合具体国情进行制度创新,构建我国的资本市场诚信法制。 The construction of honesty and trustworthiness in the capital market can not be expected from the moral consciousness of the market participants, but should be realized through the establishment of an effective institutional restraint. In the process of the construction of creditworthiness in capital markets, our country should reasonably draw on the system and experience of honesty construction in overseas capital markets, profoundly understand the logic of its system, handle internal and external constraints, prior control and post-control, and between principle declaration and specific norms And seek a system breakthrough from the unified file system of integrity, perfecting the judicial relief system and the construction of social supervision system. Through in-depth and detailed analysis of the existing system in our country, and actively transplanting the advanced system outside the country and system innovation based on the specific national conditions, The capital market integrity of the legal system.
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制作材料: 水果的网状包装物(常用于包裹苹果、梨)、细绳、零头布、各色皱纹纸。 制作方法: 1.用皱纹纸将 Production materials: fruit mesh packaging (commonly used in
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