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自晚清开始,中国女性经历了有史以来最大的一次变革,即从隔绝于内闺到走出家门踏入社会。这一变革也宣告了男女有别的传统两性道德规范的破产。在传统治理理念的影响下,晚清和民国时期的政府对女性踏入社会后随之而来的男女接触存有一种本能的焦虑和抵触心态。因此,维持社会风化,调适和重建两性道德规范,不仅成为19世纪末20世纪初期报刊媒介普遍关注的公共话题,也成为这一时期城市政治的重要主题之一。晚清和民国时期的各级政府在重建两性道德规范时,明显是在男女有别传统两性道德规范的基础上进行调整。这种两性道德规范的核心思想依旧是尽可能地减少甚至是隔绝男女之间的接触。并且,一如既往将女性置于男女关系中施诱的和着重监控的一方。 Since the late Qing dynasty, Chinese women have undergone the biggest change in history, from isolating their nepotism to getting out of their homes and entering the community. This change also proclaimed the bankruptcy of men and women with different traditional ethics. Under the influence of traditional governance philosophy, the government in the late Qing and Republican periods had an instinctive anxiety and resistance attitude to the consequent contact between men and women after women stepped into society. Therefore, maintaining social ethics, adapting and rebuilding ethics of both sexes has not only become a common topic of common concern in the press media in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, but also become one of the major themes of urban politics in this period. In the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, all levels of government in reconstructing gender norms were obviously adjusted on the basis of the difference between men and women in their traditional ethics. The core idea of ​​this gender ethics is still to minimize or even eliminate the contact between men and women. And, as always, women are placed on the side of the lure and the focus of monitoring in the relationship between men and women.
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据June Iron and Steel Engineer1994年P55报道:气化产品及化学产品公司已经引进了一种先进的快速加热技术。这种加热技术能使金属厂家认识到.以天然气为主的燃烧系统与感应
10年前,他们相恋,天雷地火,一天写10封情书。他家里有一位年轻却又平常的太太,结婚三五年,尚未生育,两地分居。  当他在抽完一支烟的深夜,悠悠道,或许我该选择一位灵魂的伴侣。她几乎坚信,他会排除万难,奋力将他们的爱推入婚姻的港湾。  他太太的忽然怀孕,粉碎了她的梦想。  她抽身而出,他挣扎、痛苦,却没有挽留。时间慢慢磨掉了关于爱情的记忆,他们终于像朋友一样。她忍不住问他:“当年如果我不做选择,你
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[Objective] To research on the isolation,identification and determination of verbascoside in Callicarpa longissima( Hemsl.)Merr. [Methods]Verbascoside was extra