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主持人语:十五届六中全会通过的《中共中央关于加强和改进党的作风建设的决定》,提出下决心“改进会风和文风”。作风与文风紧密相联,作风决定文风,文风体现作风。在扩大开放的背景下,在激烈的传媒竞争中,党报要增加吸引力、说服力、感染力,必须有好的文风。目前,新闻宣传在文风方面存在哪些问题?如何克服?好文风从何而来?本期《前沿关注》讨论“抓好作风,改进文风”,希望引起大家对新闻文风问题的重视和思考。这里选发的7篇文章有一定代表性,既有媒体的经验介绍,又有一线记者的心得体会,所述所论中,不乏“亮点”闪现,像第四届范长江新闻奖获得者、解放军报记者高艾苏所说的改进文风要在采写方面“至人所未至,想人所未想”,就是对作风与文风相互关系精当、形象的概述。有好的作风才会有好的文风,其间道理并不深奥,现在要紧的是从我做起,从每一步扎扎实实的改进做起。 Moderator Language: The Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Strengthening and Improving the Construction of the Party’s Style adopted at the Sixth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee puts forward its determination to “improve the style of the conference and the style of writing.” Style and style are closely linked, style determines the style of writing, style of writing reflects the style. In the context of opening wider to the outside world, in the fierce media competition, Party newspapers must have a good style of writing in order to increase their attractiveness, persuasiveness and contagion. At present, what are the problems in the style of publicity of news propaganda? How to overcome it? How does the style of writing come from? The issue of “frontier concern” is discussed in the current issue of “Doing Good Work Style and Improving Style of Writing” in the hope of arousing people’s attention and thinking on news style. The seven selected articles here are some representative, both the experience of the media, as well as experience of first-line reporters experience, the discussion, there are many “bright spots” flashed, as the fourth Fan Changjiang News Award winner, People’s Liberation Army Daily Gao Ai-su said to improve the style of writing to write “as unimaginable, never mind”, is the style and style of the relationship between the precise overview of the image. A good style will have a good style of writing. During this period, the truth is not esoteric. What is important now is to start from me and to start from every step of steady improvement.
目的:  探讨过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体γ(PPARγ)表达在异基因造血干细胞移植(allo-HSCT)后急性移植物抗宿主病(aGVHD)中的作用及其初步机制。  方法:  1.选择2013年6月到201
目的:探讨冠心病慢性左心衰患者肺动脉压(PAP)水平,血清脑钠肽(BNP)、内皮素-1(ET-1)水平及其与心功能的关系。   方法:队列选取2009年11月至2010年9月入住我院心内科的临床