Culture of osteoblasts on bio-derived bones

来源 :Chinese Journal of Traumatology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:twffhvknnh
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Objective: To study the effect of bio-derived bones, as substitutes of autogenous bone grafts and demineralized cadaver bones, on the attachment, spreading and proliferation of isolated osteoblasts. Methods: Osteoblasts were isolated from the calvaria of a fetal rabbit through sequential collagenase digestion. In the attachment study, the osteoblasts labeled with 3H-leucine were incubated with the bio-derived bone materials in sterile microcentrifugale tubes for 15, 90 and 180 minutes, and 24 hours, respectively. The attached cells were collected and the radioactivity was measured with liquid scintillation spectrometry. In the proliferation study, the osteoblasts were cultured with the bio-derived bone materials for 24 hours and 3H-thymidine was added during the last 2 hours of the incubation. The attached cells were collected and the radioactivity was measured with liquid scintillation spectrometry. Osteoblasts were seeded on the bone graft materials for 60 or 120 minutes, 24 or 48 hours, and 3 or 7 days, then the co-culture was processed for scanning electron microscopy to observe the interaction of osteoblasts and the bio-derived bone materials. Results: Osteoblasts attached to the bio-derived bone materials in a time-dependent manner. There were significantly (P< 0.05) more attached cells after 180 minutes than after 15 and 90 minutes of incubations (P< 0.05). Osteoblasts were proliferated in a large amount on the surface and in the materials. Osteoblasts seeded onto 100 mg bio-derived bones resulted in significantly (P< 0.05) more measurable proliferation than those seeded onto 10 mg bones. Osteoblasts appeared round as they attached to the materials, then flattened and spread over with time passing. Conclusions: Bio-derived bones can provide a good environment for the attachment and proliferation of osteoblasts. Objective: To study the effect of bio-derived bones, as substitutes of autogenous bone grafts and demineralized cadaver bones, on the attachment, spreading and proliferation of isolated osteoblasts. Methods: Osteoblasts were isolated from the calvaria of a fetal rabbit through sequential collagenase digestion In the attachment study, the osteoblasts labeled with 3H-leucine were incubated with the bio-derived bone materials in sterile microcentrifuge tubes for 15, 90 and 180 minutes, and 24 hours, respectively. The attached cells were collected and the radioactivity was measured with the liquid scintillation spectrometry. In the proliferation study, the osteoblasts were cultured with the bio-derived bone materials for 24 hours and 3H-thymidine was added during the last 2 hours of the incubation. The attached cells were collected and the radioactivity was measured with liquid scintillation spectrometry. Osteoblasts were seeded on the bone graft materials for 60 or 120 minutes, 24 or 4 8 hours, and 3 or 7 days, then the co-culture was processed for scanning electron microscopy to observe the interaction of osteoblasts and the bio-derived bone materials. Results: Osteoblasts attached to the bio-derived bone materials in a time-dependent Osteoblasts were proliferated in a large amount on the surface and in the materials. Osteoblasts seeded onto 100 mg (P <0.05) more attached cells after 180 minutes than after 15 and 90 minutes of incubations Bio-derived bones resulted in significantly (P <0.05) more measurable proliferation than those seeded onto 10 mg bones. Osteoblasts appeared as they attached to the materials, then flattened and spread over with time passing. Conclusions: Bio-derived bones can provide a good environment for the attachment and proliferation of osteoblasts.
经过一番并不算困难的谈判,随着阿森纳官方一纸公告,昔日的奥维多天才少年终于成为了枪手军团的一员,更美妙的是温格确定了卡索拉的主力位置,这是后者多次与皇马失之交臂的最重要原因。阿森纳上下为之鼓舞,接连失去法布雷加斯、纳斯里之后,范佩西又作出让枪迷伤心的姿态,卡索拉的加盟无疑让枪手吃下一颗定心丸。顾盼马塔和席尔瓦在英超迅速取得成功,大部分人都对西甲萝卜在英超这块肥田的生长能力充满信心。  潜水艇核心 
目的 肠道是新生儿窒息后受损最严重的器官之一。但目前国内外尚无一经典模型用于窒息后 肠道损伤的研究。本研究采用可逆性宫内缺血制作了大鼠窒息后肠道损伤模型。方法
综述了核子微探针技术在显微分析和显微成像两方面的进展,一些应用新的显微成像技术的实例,说明了它对科学研究所起的重要作用. The advances in microscopic analysis and mic