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[本刊讯]北京市人民政府最近为保护企业的厂长、经理依法行使职权,维护企业正常的生产、工作秩序,保障企业改革的顺利进行,作出规定。规定指出,对阻碍厂长、经理依法行使职权,扰乱企业生产、经营、工作秩序的,必须坚决制止,批评教育,并视情节轻重,依法处理。规定说有下列行为之一,情节较轻,尚不够给予治安管理处罚的,厂长、经理可以通知企业保卫组织或经济民警、护厂队,制止其行为,并将行为人带离现场,批评教育:在厂长、经理办公室或其他工作场所以纠缠、尾随、辱骂、拦阻车辆等方式阻碍厂长、经 [People] Beijing Municipal People’s Government recently to protect the business director, manager exercise their powers according to law, safeguarding the normal production and work order, to ensure the smooth progress of enterprise reform, make provisions. Provisions stipulate that obstructing the directors and managers in exercising their functions and powers in accordance with the law and disrupting the production, operation and work order of enterprises must be resolutely stopped and criticized and dealt with according to the seriousness of the case and in accordance with the law. Provisions that one of the following acts, the plot is lighter, not enough to give public security management penalties, the director, the manager can notify the enterprise security organization or economic police, plant protection teams to stop its behavior, and the perpetrators away from the scene, criticized Education: In the director, manager’s office or other workplace to obstruct, trailing, abusive, blocking vehicles, etc. obstruct the director,
自《女职工 保健工作暂行规定(试 行草案)》(以下简称《规 定》)试行以来,不少单 位和个人来信询问有关 问题。本刊就这些问题 请大连市工会女工部丁 桂芸同志答复如下。 Since t
上海电视一厂,根据市政府加强企业劳动纪律的通知精神,经九届四次职代会讨论决定自今年5月1日起,正式实施职工违纪处罚规定。摘要如下: △职工第1次迟到(在20分钟以内),扣除
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