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支气管炎哮喘(简称哮喘),是一种常见病,自古以来就有内科不治喘,外科不治癣之说。许多患者长期服用西药激素来控制病情。但目前西医只能起到平喘解痉等治表作用,一旦停药,病又复发,有的病人甚至自暴自弃,任其病情发展恶化。大多患者得出一个结论:西医治疗哮喘病不甚满意。那么,中医治疗哮喘病又有什么独到之处呢?本文的梁辉章教授将为你解开迷津。梁辉章教授早年毕业于同济医科大学,毕业后留校工作。1995年从同济医科大学二附医院调来广州工作。在20年的从医生涯中,一直与哮喘病这个“老朋友”打交道。早在同济医大附属医院时,他就与我国著名呼吸系统教授冯启发一道专攻哮喘病顽疾,深厚的医学理论和齐全的科研设备,使梁教授的研究成果日益提高。由于在哮喘的防治 Bronchitis Asthma (asthma), is a common disease, since ancient times, there is no medical treatment of asthma, surgery, said no treatment of ringworm. Many patients long-term use of western medicine to control the disease hormones. However, Western medicine can only play anti-asthmatic antispasmodic treatment of the role of the table, once the withdrawal, the disease relapse, and some patients even give up, let their disease progression worsened. Most patients come to a conclusion: Western medicine treatment of asthma is not satisfied. So, Chinese medicine treatment of asthma and what is unique? This article Professor Liang Hui Zhang will be solved for you. Professor Liang Hui Zhang graduated from Tongji Medical University early, after graduation to work. In 1995 from Tongji Medical University Hospital attached to work in Guangzhou. In 20 years of medical career, has been with asthma this “old friend ” deal. As early as Tongji Medical University Hospital, he and Feng Qifa, a famous professor of respiratory system in China, specializing in asthma disease, profound medical theory and complete scientific research equipment, so that Professor Liang’s research results increase day by day. Because of the prevention and treatment of asthma
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