
来源 :经济统计学(季刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yifengwuyang
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能源效率低下、能源消费结构不合理等能源问题在一定程度上制约着我国经济的发展壮大。此外,我国是个区域性特征十分显著的国家,地区能源和经济的发展水平参差不齐,环境保护能力千差万别,这也将阻碍我国能源、经济和环境的全面协调发展。本文将环境污染排放物当做非期望产出纳入全要素框架,运用数据包络分析方法中的超效率SBM模型对我国29个省区的能源效率进行测算。结果表明,我国各省区的能源效率具有较大差异,东部地区的能源效率值最高,接着依次是西部地区、东北地区和中部地区,但是基本呈稳步上升的趋势。在效率测算的基础上,以能源效率值为门限变量建立了基于能源效率的我国区域经济增长的面板门限回归模型,通过三门限回归模型估计了不同的能源效率区间下,能源项对经济增长的影响程度。分析表明,能源对经济增长起到了正向的贡献作用,且在不同的效率水平下有着不同的贡献程度。 Energy problems such as low energy efficiency and irrational energy consumption structure, to a certain extent, constrain the growth and development of China’s economy. In addition, our country is a country with a remarkable regional characteristic. The development level of energy and economy in the region is uneven and the ability of environmental protection varies widely, which will also hinder the overall coordinated development of energy, economy and environment in our country. In this paper, we take the environmental pollution emissions as the non-expected output into the whole factor framework and use the super-efficiency SBM model in data envelopment analysis to measure the energy efficiency of 29 provinces in China. The results show that the energy efficiency of provinces in our country is quite different. The eastern region has the highest energy efficiency value, followed by the western region, the northeast region and the central region, but basically shows a steady upward trend. Based on the calculation of efficiency, a panel threshold regression model based on energy efficiency in China’s regional economic growth was established based on energy efficiency as the threshold variable. Three threshold regression models were used to estimate the impact of energy terms on economic growth influence level. The analysis shows that energy plays a positive role in economic growth and has different contributions at different efficiency levels.
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