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档案有质量要求是众所周知的。以我的理解,科技档案质量一般包括这样几方面:一是科技档案内容的质量,指存贮的信息内容是否完整、准确,即是否反映客观实际;二是承载内容的载体本身的质量,指纸张、胶片、磁带等的质量;三是显示信息内容的字迹材料质量,指油墨、墨水、印泥、印油、复印粉等的质量;四是装具质量,指卷皮、卷夹、卷盒等的质量;五是立卷工作质量,指分类科学、编目清楚、组卷系统、整齐、美观。按内在质量和外观质量来分,内容、载体、字迹等的质量可归入内在质量,其它则归入外观质量。以上构成档案质量的几个方面,它们各有自己的内涵,都需要进行专题研究。构成科技档案质量的本质问题是科技文件内容的质量,它是内在质量的关键,它的质量高低就决定了科技档案使用价值的高低。本文联系实际谈谈如何提高科技档案内容质量的问题。 File quality requirements are well known. In my understanding, the quality of scientific and technological archives generally includes the following aspects: First, the quality of scientific and technological archives refers to the complete and accurate storage of information content, that is, whether objective facts are reflected; secondly, the quality of the bearer of the content itself Paper, film, tape and other quality; third is to display information content of the quality of handwriting materials, refers to the ink, ink, ink, printing ink, copy powder quality; Fourth, the quality of the fixture, Quality; Fifth, the quality of the legislation, refers to the classification of science, cataloging clearly, the test paper system, neat and beautiful. According to the inherent quality and appearance of quality points, content, carrier, handwriting and other quality can be classified as intrinsic quality, others are classified as appearance quality. These aspects of the composition of the file quality, they each have their own content, need to carry out thematic research. The essential issue of the quality of scientific and technological archives is the quality of the contents of scientific and technological documents. It is the key to intrinsic quality. The quality of scientific and technological archives determines the value of science and technology files. This article relates to the actual talk about how to improve the quality of scientific and technological content of the file.
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