在记录手段日新月异的时代里,人们打破了常规的记事方法,由此,社会产生了大量的诸如计算机化的非原文档案。这类档案件为历史见证材料,我们应如何看待他们的证据价值在法律上的可接受性,这看来是个亟待解决的课题。 1970年,笔者在美利坚合众国国家档案馆利用档案时,发现了一件1838年发生在特拉华州立法院的罗兰和伯顿二位当事人的诉讼案,这桩官司在体现非常规档案的证据价值方面可作为一个重要的先例。
In the era of rapid changes in recording techniques, people broke the conventional memorization method, and as a result, a large number of non-original computer-generated documents were produced in society. Such archives are historically witness materials. How we should view their legally acceptable value of evidence seems to be an issue to be solved urgently. In 1970, when I was using the archives at the National Archives of the United States of America, I found a case of two lawyers from Roland and Burton in the Delaware State Legislature in 1838, which evidenced the evidentiary value of an unconventional file As an important precedent.