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科学技术的日新用异、商品经济的空前发达、国际分工的日益深化以及生产要素的跨国流动,促进了生产经营向最经济、最有利的社会化组织形式发展。据联合跨国公司中心资料,目前,全球约有1.1万家跨国公司及其12万家子公司,对外投资近1万亿美元。其生产总值占世界总产值的1/3左右,控制着2/3左右的国际贸易、70%的技术转让和80%的工艺研究。由此看来,一个国家要想在竞争激烈的国际舞台上争得一席之地,必须拥有和发展自己的跨国公司。改革开放10余年来,我国在海外的投资有了长足进展,截止1991年2月,共批准海外非贸易性企业 The daily use of science and technology, the unprecedented development of the commodity economy, the deepening of the international division of labor, and the transnational flow of production factors have promoted the development of the most economical and beneficial social organization. According to the joint multinational corporate center, at present, there are about 11,000 multinational corporations and 120,000 subsidiaries around the world, and foreign investment is nearly 1 trillion US dollars. Its gross production value accounts for about one-third of the world’s total output value, controlling about two-thirds of international trade, 70% of technology transfer, and 80% of technological research. From this point of view, if a country wants to win a place in the fiercely competitive international arena, it must own and develop its own multinational corporations. Over the past 10 years of reform and opening up, China’s overseas investment has made considerable progress. As of February 1991, a total of overseas non-tradable enterprises have been approved.
河北省沧州市金海环保设备有限公司生产的“五防”轻体隔墙板近日通过鉴定,正式投放市场。 该产品以农作物秸秆为主要原料,以改性粘合剂为辅助原料,经粉碎、混配、注模、振
国有小企业如何按现代企业制度要求放活,作者根据所在上海工具公司经验,从宏观与微观上谈了自己看法和放活的有效途径与应注意的问题。 How the state-owned small enterpri
军旅歌曲《我是一个兵》诞生于朝鲜战争爆发后,至今仍广为流传。它的词作者是陆原。陆原原名陆占春,1922年11月出生于河北省丰润县。1942年,20岁的他参加了八路军。 Militar
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