Thermodynamic Studies on The Interaction of Nickel With Human Serum Albumin

来源 :生物化学与生物物理进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:XYYWLC
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The interaction of human serum albumin with divalent nickel ion was studied by equilibrium dialysis, isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and circular dichroism (CD) in 30 mmol/L Tris buffer , pH=7 0. There is a set of 8 identical binding sites for nickel binding on the protein at two temperatures of 300 K and 310 K. The cooperativity in the binding is observed at 310 K. The Hill coefficients at 300 K and 310 K are 0 97 and 1 25, respectively. The interaction between nickel ions and HSA is exothermic. A value of -36 5 kJ for enthalpy of interaction ( 1∶1 stoichiometry) was obtained. The secondary structure of HSA dose not show any change during the binding nickel ions process. However, the tertiary structure of the protein changes, which shows the existence of two natives like states. The interaction of human serum albumin with divalent nickel ion studied by equilibrium dialysis, isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and circular dichroism (CD) in 30 mmol / L Tris buffer, pH = 7 0. There is a set of 8 identical binding sites for nickel binding on the protein at two temperatures of 300 K and 310 K. The cooperativity in the binding is observed at 310 K. The Hill coefficients at 300 K and 310 K are 0 97 and 1 25, The interaction between nickel ions and HSA is exothermic. A value of -36 5 kJ for enthalpy of interaction (1: 1 stoichiometry) was obtained. The secondary structure of HSA dose not show any change during the binding of nickel ions process. However, , the tertiary structure of the protein changes, which shows the existence of two natives like states.
巧用乙烯利 瓜菜增效益1.辣椒;于拔秧前10-15天,亩喷施500-550ppm乙烯利药液50公斤,5-7天后大部分绿叶变黄,可使红椒果变紫红,青椒果变鲜红,嫩小椒果变浅黄色,提早拔秧5-7天,红果增加20%左右。应选择阴天或傍晚弱
答:GLP是“良好药物试验规范”的英文Good Laboratory Practices的缩写。药物是直接用于人的物质,它的作用和毒性,关系到人的生命安全,甚至影响人的后代繁衍,所以理所当然地
The spontaneous changes in cell shape and size, the membrane bending elastic modulus, and the structureand functions of intracellular hemoglobin of single human