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关于动词的重叠问题,各家已有诸多论述,笔者从中获益不浅。但是,那些论述似乎把动词重叠形式的范围限制得过窄过严;对动词重叠式的语法意义和表达功能的看法也不尽相同,笔者无意统一大家的认识,只想就单音节动词的重叠谈谈自己的看法。本 On the verb overlap problem, there are many expositions, I benefit from it. However, those arguments seem to limit the scope of the verb overlap too narrowly; the views of the grammatical meaning and the expressive function of the verb overlap are not the same, and the author does not intend to unify everyone’s knowledge, just to overlap monosyllabic verbs Talk about your own opinion. this
BACKGROUND:Human gliomas are more likely to express basic fibroblast growth factor-2(FGF-2), insulin-like growth factor-1(IGF-1),and IGF-1 receptor(IGF-1R) than
党的十七届五中全会文件,省委十一届九次全会通过的《中共江苏省委关于制定江苏省国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划的建议》,都明确提出要“深 The document of the Fift
While a friend and I were walking past a group of freshmen,she whispered to me. “They stink of sweat.” I smiled and mymemory, went back to my first days in t
抱头毛白杨(populus tomentosaCarr.Var.fastigiata Y.H.Wa-ng)的研究前后有两个阶段:1975—1978年以研究特性为主,研究结果已发表(《山东林业科技》1978年第一期);1979—19
阅读地带A When humans and nature go head to head,nature often ends up losing.Rivers get polluted.Trees are knocked down.Natural resources are used up.That’s wh
我的每个儿子都很早就发现了这一点。我们晚上驾车行驶时,一个低低的声音便会从后座传来,“嗨,月亮跟着咱们走呢。”我便解释说,月亮并没有跟着我们。经过一段时间的仔 Thi