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世界已进入信息时代。当今,不论是国家间的实力较量,或企业间争夺市场的竞争,都表明:谁能掌握更多的信息,谁能更快地利用信息,一句话,谁能拥有更先进的信息技术,谁就能取得更大的主动权,就更可能稳操胜券。现代信息技术包括信息的获取、传输、存储记录以及信息的处理和提取、信息的显示和分发等。众所周知,由于微电子工业的发展,现代信息技术已经发展到很高的水平。例如,现在一台成像雷达或高分辨率电视摄像机能以每秒几十兆比特的速率获取信息,如果打个比方,它们几乎有每秒可以识读10多部“红楼梦”的本领。这些信息能通过微波中继或卫星通信技术作远距离传输,能用高密度磁带、磁盘进行记录、存储。最后,能由电子计算机以每秒上百亿次的速度进行运算处理。信息技术在海湾战争中的作用已为人所共识,利用信息技术传输到寻常百姓家中电视屏幕上的战争现场画面,也给人们留下了深刻的印象。 The world has entered the information age. Nowadays, whether it is the competition between countries or the competition for competition among enterprises, all show that: Who can grasp more information and who can use information faster? In a word, who can have more advanced information technology? You can gain greater initiative and you are more likely to win the game. Modern information technology includes information acquisition, transmission, storage records, information processing and extraction, information display and distribution. As we all know, due to the development of the microelectronics industry, modern information technology has developed to a very high level. For example, an imaging radar or high-definition television camera can now obtain information at a rate of several tens of megabits per second. If they are analogy, they can almost read more than 10 “Dream Dreams” per second. This information can be transmitted over long distances through microwave relay or satellite communication technology, and can be recorded and stored using high-density tapes and disks. Finally, it can be performed by an electronic computer at a speed of billions of times per second. The role of information technology in the Gulf War has been widely recognized. The use of information technology to transmit images of war scenes on television screens of ordinary people’s homes has also left a deep impression on people.
加拿大航宇集团在安大略省的诺斯贝工厂,将成为哈尔滨飞机制造公司生产的Y-12IV飞机在海外的唯一一家完成中心,该 Canada’s Aerospace Group’s North Bay Plant in Ontari
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在刚刚结束的’96中国航空航天博览会上,德国麦克系统有限公司(Mak System Gmbh)参展的地面空气起动设备引起了业内人士的广泛关注.该设备可用于诸如GE90、PW4000和遄达等所
波音公司总裁兼首席执行官康迪和麦道公司总裁兼首席执行官史道斯于1996年12月15 日联合宣布两家公司已签署正式协议,麦道将以股票折换方式并入波音公司。新公司仍称为波音公
本刊记者今年秋初从厦门获悉,美国联信公司除努力直接向中国的航空公司销售机载及安全设备外,还以推进与中方合资办企业的方式寻求在华更多的发展机会. This correspondent