与时俱进 创新发展

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中国共产党天津市第八次代表大会,是在新世纪天津处在跨越式发展的关键时刻召开的。这次大会的主题是:高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜,认真实践“三个代表”重要思想,为率先基本实现现代化而努力奋斗。大会明确提出了天津跨越式发展的指导思想、战略目标、基本任务和具体步骤,是一次奋进鼓劲、继往开来的大会,是一次团结拼搏,开拓创新的大会。特别是大会提出的“与时俱进,力争上游,抢抓机遇,跨越发展”的基本要求,集中体现了全市人民的共同愿望,体现了“三个代 The eighth congress of the Communist Party of China in Tianjin was held at a crucial moment of leapfrog development in Tianjin in the new century. The theme of this conference is to hold aloft the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory, conscientiously implement the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ and work hard for the first basic realization of modernization. The congress clearly set forth the guiding ideology, strategic objectives, basic tasks and specific steps for Tianjin’s leapfrog development. It is a general assembly that forge ahead with vigor and vitality and carry forward the past and open up. It is a general assembly that is united and hardworking and pioneering and innovative. In particular, the basic requirements of ”advancing with the times, striving for superiority, seizing opportunities and leapfrogging development“ put forward by the General Assembly have concentrated on reflecting the common aspirations of the people in the whole city and embodying ”three generations
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英国大学及研究机构要求各国留学生在赴英以前通过ELTS(English Language Testing Service),作为英语过关的证据.然而,我国广大英语自学者却对ELTS所知甚少.笔者根据手头资