Efficient Side-chain Modification of Dextran via Base-catalyzed Epoxide Ring-opening and Thiol-ene C

来源 :Chinese Journal of Polymer Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JK0803_wantao
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In this study, a novel approach by combining base-catalyzed epoxide ring-opening and thiol-ene click chemistry is presented for the side-chain modification of dextran. The vinyl-modified dextran is prepared by a basic epoxide ring opening reaction of allyl glycidyl ether in 0.1 mol/L NaOH, followed by thiol-addition click reaction of three model sulfhydryl compounds using water-soluble Irgacure 2959 as the photoinitiator, leading to side-chain functionalized dextran modified with carboxyl, bidentate dicarboxyl or amino groups. This is the first example of combining epoxide ring-opening and thiolene click chemistry for side-chain modification of dextran in aqueous media. Importantly, it may also be extended as a convenient and efficient method for the side-chain modification of other polysaccharides. In this study, a novel approach by combining base-catalyzed epoxide ring-opening and thiol-ene click chemistry is presented for the side-chain modification of dextran. The vinyl-modified dextran is prepared by a basic epoxide ring opening reaction of allyl glycidyl ether in 0.1 mol / L NaOH followed by thiol-addition click reaction of three model sulfhydryl compounds using water-soluble Irgacure 2959 as the photoinitiator, leading to side-chain functionalized dextran modified with carboxyl, bidentate dicarboxyl or amino groups. This is the first example of combining epoxide ring-opening and thiolene click chemistry for side-chain modification of dextran in aqueous media. Importantly, it may also be extended as a convenient and efficient method for the side-chain modification of other polysaccharides.
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