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宁夏回族自治区银川市近年以优化政务服务为目标,以制约和监督权力为重点,不断加大政务公开力度,全力打造权力行使规范公正、高效便捷、刚性可控、公开透明的服务型政府,促进了政府管理创新和依法行政。探索公开形式,畅通政务公开渠道。银川市建立政务公开网等7个行政权力公开透明运行网络,规范公开专栏,目前已通过政务公开网公开信息2万余条。实行新闻发言人制度,对涉及社会经济的重大事件以及人民群众关注的焦点问题,及时委派新闻发言人发布权威信息,引导舆论。2012年至今已组织召开新闻发布会十余次。此外,组织各部门主要领导走进直播间,参加“政风行风热线”节目;开通12345专线电话,方便群众 Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Yinchuan City in recent years to optimize the government services as the goal, to control and supervise the power as the focus, continue to increase the transparency of government, and strive to create a standardized exercise of power norms, efficient and convenient, rigid and controllable, open and transparent service-oriented government to promote Government management innovation and administration by law. Explore open forms and open channels of government transparency. Yinchuan City, the establishment of government affairs open network and other seven administrative powers open and transparent operation of the network, standardize public columns, has now been through the government open network more than 20,000 pieces of public information. The spokesman of the implementation of the system, involving major social and economic events and the people concerned about the focus of the timely dispatch of spokesman issued the authority of information, and guide public opinion. Since 2012, a press conference has been organized more than ten times. In addition, the main leaders of various departments of the organization walked into the live broadcast room to participate in the program of “political hotline”; opened 12345 hotline to facilitate the masses
ON January 4, 2011, the De-velopment Plan of ShandongPeninsula Blue EconomicZone was officially approvedby the central government. This is thefirst development
“十一五”时期,我们紧紧抓住国家振兴东北老工业基地的历史机遇,积极克服国际金融危机等不利因素的影响,以科学发展观为统领,以改善民生为目标,真抓实干,锐意进取,经济 Dur
前人调查本区地质者甚多,不乏参考资料。一九四九年秋,吾人因调查矿产亦临斯境。爰以构造与矿产有关,原先就构造方面申述意见。兹为便於明瞭,首 The predecessors surveyed
Ⅰ. INTRODUCTION. Our knowledge on the Chinese mineral deposits becomes greatly enhanced since the publication of Dr. W. H. Wong’s monograph “The Mineral Res