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花了两包烟钱,救了一个孩子,这样的好事听起来似乎不可思议,但安庆市郊区十里乡的一位仇先生就碰上了这样的好事。仇先生有个儿子在十里乡中心小学读书,虽然家境并不富裕,但仇先生还是花了两包烟钱30多元为儿子购买了学平险附加住院医疗保险。不想天有不测 Spent two packs of cigarettes, saving a child, such a good thing may seem incredible, but Anqing City Shili Township, a Qiu run into such a good thing. Mr. Qiu had a son in Shili Township Central Primary School, although his family is not rich, but Mr. Qiu or spent two packs of cigarettes more than 30 yuan for his son to buy a school additional insurance inpatient insurance. Do not want to have a day accident
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一位专家说得好:“保护血液就是保护生命”。道理很简单,血液承担着灌溉与滋养全身组织与器官的重任,如果出现异常,对健康的影响之大可想而知。 那么,如何保护呢?本文告诉你
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