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随着社会主义市场经济体制的初步建立和逐步完善,我省投融资体制正在发生深刻变化,民间投资的总量不断增长,领域不断拓宽。发展民间投资,有利于进一步扩大内需,保持我省经济持续、快速、健康发展;有利于适应我国加入 WTO 新形势的要求,进一步增强我省经济的国际竞争力;有利于扩大就业,繁荣市场,提高人民生活水平;有利于形成投资主体多元化、投资渠道多样化的投融资体制新格局;有利于多种所有制经济的共同发展,进一步促进社会主义市场经济体制的建立和完善。根据党的十六大提出的“放宽国内民间资本的市场准入领域,在投融资、税收、土地使用和对外贸易等方面采取措施,实现公平竞争”的精神,为进一步发挥我省多种所有制经济共同发展 With the initial establishment and gradual improvement of the socialist market economic system, profound changes have taken place in the system of investment and financing in our province, with the total amount of private investment continuously increasing and the field continuously widened. The development of private investment is conducive to further expanding domestic demand and maintaining a sustained, rapid and healthy economic development in our province. It is conducive to meeting the requirements of our country’s accession to the WTO and further enhancing the international competitiveness of our economy. It is also conducive to expanding employment, boosting the market, Improve people’s living standard, help form a new pattern of investment and financing system with diversified investment entities and diversified investment channels, facilitate the common development of various ownership-based economy and further promote the establishment and improvement of the socialist market economic system. In accordance with the spirit of “easing market access for domestic private capital, taking measures in areas such as investment and financing, taxation, land use and foreign trade, and achieving fair competition” put forward by the 16th CCP National Congress, in order to give more play to our province’s Joint ownership of economic development
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