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目的对乘务员进行高血压知识载体多元化形式干预,以提高高血压“知、信、行”水平。方法组织建立以疾病预防控制机构、乘务单位、乘务员个人共同参与的干预网络体系,采取集中培训班、乘务学习车间现场宣讲、资料宣传、短信宣传、现场随访等知识载体多元化形式,向2 400名乘务员普及高血压防治知识,对跟踪调查的资料进行整理与分析。结果干预覆盖率100%,以资料宣传、短信宣传干预覆盖率较高,分别为100%、87.50%;其次为现场宣讲、集中培训班,分别为43.25%、38.75%;随访最低,仅18.00%。干预后,乘务员群体对高血压知识的知晓率由46.33%上升到81.06%(P<0.01);群体高血压防治态度观点认同率由54.67%上升到82.19%(P<0.01);乘务员吸烟、饮酒、高盐膳食、不定期测量血压、不合理控制膳食等检出率下降(P<0.05)。结论对乘务员实施高血压知识载体多元化干预,可有效提高乘务员高血压防治“知、信、行”水平,提高乘务群体对高血压相关因素的控制能力,对职业人群高血压等慢性病知识干预有借鉴意义。 Objective To carry out diversified forms of hypertension carrier knowledge carrier intervention in order to improve the level of hypertension “knowledge, letter, line”. Methods To establish an intervention network system with disease prevention and control agencies, flight attendants and flight attendant individuals participating in the intervention, and to adopt a diversified knowledge carrier such as centralized training courses, on-the-job learning workshops, information publicity, sms propaganda and on-site follow- Attendants popularized knowledge of prevention and treatment of hypertension, the tracking data to organize and analyze. Results The intervention coverage rate was 100%, with the coverage of information publicity and SMS propaganda intervention being 100% and 87.50% respectively. Followed by on-site preaching and centralized training classes, respectively, 43.25% and 38.75%; the lowest follow-up was 18.00% . After intervention, the awareness rate of knowledge about hypertension among flight attendant groups increased from 46.33% to 81.06% (P <0.01), and the recognition rate of group hypertension attitude increased from 54.67% to 82.19% (P <0.01); flight attendant smoking and drinking , High-salt diet, irregular blood pressure measurement, unreasonable diet and other detection rates decreased (P <0.05). Conclusions The diversified intervention of knowledge carrier for hypertension can improve the flight attendants’ ability to prevent and control high blood pressure, enhance the ability of flight crew to control the related factors of hypertension, improve the knowledge of chronic diseases such as hypertension and other occupational groups Intervention has reference.
本院自 1990年 3月~ 2 0 0 0年 3月应用肝内浅表胆管与空肠吻合 ,治疗 16例高位阻塞性黄疸患者 ,效果良好 ,现介绍如下。1 资料与方法1 1 一般资料 本组男 11例 ,女 5例 ,
患者女 ,2 2岁 ,1996年 7月起反复尿频、尿痛 ,曾在东莞、深圳等医院诊治 ,诊为“左输尿管上段结石” ,行ESWL,结石排出后 ,上述症状无改善。后又诊为“性病”治疗 ,仍无效。 199
1 病例介绍rn患者男,30岁.因上腹部阵发性绞痛2个月,加重2 d于2000年2月20日入院.腹痛为上腹部绞痛,呈阵发性发作,持续时间半分钟左右,可自行缓解.间歇期饮食活动自如.发作无