建筑节能 任重道远

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国家提出要把我国建设成节约型社会,胡锦涛总书记、温家宝总理相继提出要建成节能型住宅和公用建筑。这是根据我国资源紧张、能源不足和浪费较大而提出来的。我国是资源能源短缺的国家,资源能源的有效利用是保持我们国家能否实现可持续发展的关键。建筑节能是我国最大的节约点。我国既有建筑面积约400亿平方米,需要占有大量土地,在建造和使用过程中直接消耗能源占全社会总能耗的30%,建材的生产能耗占16.7%,用水占城市用水的47%,建筑使用钢材占全国用钢材量的30%,水泥占25%。到2020年,全国需要新增约300亿平方米房屋建筑面积中,城市新增130亿平方米,如果这些建筑全部在现有基础上实现50%的节能,则每年大约可以节省1.6亿吨标准煤。从现在起,如果新建建筑全部推行新的节能标准,既有的建筑有步骤进行节能改造,到2020年,我国建筑能耗可减少3.5亿吨标准煤,空调高峰负荷可减少约8000万千瓦(约相当于4.5个三峡电站的满负荷运转,减少电力投资6000亿元)。所以说,建筑节能工作非常重要,他关系到建设节能型社会的全局问题。除了建筑本身节能外,还有太阳能、雨水、风力、浅层热源的综合开发利用:运输、拆迁、装修、重复建设等环 The country proposed that China should be built into a conservation-oriented society. General Secretary Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao have proposed to build energy-saving residences and public buildings one after another. This is based on China's resource shortage, lack of energy and waste come forward. China is a country with a shortage of energy and resources. The effective use of resources and energy is the key to keeping our country sustainable. Building energy efficiency is the biggest saving point in our country. China's existing building area of ​​about 40 billion square meters, need to occupy a large amount of land, in the process of construction and use of direct energy consumption accounts for 30% of the total energy consumption of society, building materials, energy consumption accounted for 16.7%, water accounted for 47% of urban water use %, The steel used in construction accounts for 30% of the national steel consumption, and the cement accounts for 25%. By 2020, China will need an additional 30 billion square meters of new building area and an additional 13 billion square meters of urban area, which will save about 160 million tons of standard annual energy savings if all of these buildings achieve 50% energy savings on an existing basis coal. From now on, if all newly-built buildings implement new energy-saving standards, the existing buildings will undergo energy-saving steps in their steps. By 2020, China's building energy consumption will be reduced by 350 million tons of standard coal and peak air-conditioning load will be reduced by about 80 million kilowatts About the equivalent of 4.5 Three Gorges hydropower station at full capacity, reducing power investment 600 billion yuan). Therefore, building energy conservation is very important, he is concerned with the overall issue of building energy-saving society. In addition to the building itself energy saving, there are solar, rain, wind, shallow heat source of comprehensive development and utilization: transport, demolition, renovation, construction and other rings
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