
来源 :中学生英语·七年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aiming9583o
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  We were having a picnic in the park the other day when we overheard an interesting conversation between two dogs:
  Dog 1: Hey Charlie!What have you got there? Is that a t-bone?
  Dog 2: What’s up, George? Yeah, it’s a t-bone. You want to chew on it?
  Dog 1: No, thanks! Did you already eat the steak?
  Dog 2: Unluckily, no!It’s so frustrating. They said I was a good boy and they had a treat. I could see the steak right there on the plate. Next thing you know, the meat is on the grill1 and they throw this bone at me.
  Dog 1: Wow, that’s just rude. Did you wag your tail and give them the sad eyes?
  Dog 2: Of course, I did!It’s like they don’t know me at all!It was a huge missed steak!
  Their conversation gave us pause. We’ve made the same mistake for many times in the past of giving a dog a bone without really considering whether they’d rather have a nice, juicy steak.
  Even if they miss the steak, make no mistake: Dogs love bones. Recently, scientists have made some progress in figuring out why it is that dogs love bones.
  Research has found out that modern dogs descended2 from wolves that, in turn, descended from ancient canines3.
  Over time, these animals developed strong teeth that allowed them eat larger prey4. Those strong teeth and bones have been passed on to modern dogs. Since they can eat any part of their prey, including the bones, they did so and continue to do so today.
  There are many good reasons for dogs to love bones. First of all, they can be tasty and nutritious5. Bone marrow6 is rich in fat and the bone hiding the marrow is high in calcium7. Meat left on the bone contains a lot of protein8.
  Chewing bones is also enjoyable for dogs. It reduces boredom and meets their innate9 urge to chew. Chewing can also stimulate the release of endorphins10, which makes them happy.   咀嚼骨头也能让狗感到愉快,缓解了无聊,满足了它们天生的咀嚼欲望。咀嚼还能刺激内啡肽的释放,让它们感到快乐。
  Chewing bones is good for dogs’ teeth. As bones scrape11 their teeth, plaque12 gets removed, helping to reduce tartar13 build-up.
  Bones aren’t without risk, though. Veterinarians14 will tell you that some dogs simply don’t have the teeth and jaw bones to chew bones. Other possible dangers include broken teeth, stomach problems, and infections15 resulting from bones poking holes in the stomach and intestines16.
  To avoid dangers, dogs should always be watched when they’re chewing bones. Owners should also be careful about what types of bones they give their dogs. For example, experts warn that owners should never give dogs cooked bones, since cooking makes them brittle17 and more likely to splinter18 when chewed.
  Raw marrow bones are best for dogs. Just make sure that the bone can’t be swallowed whole. If you don’t want to take any risks with raw bones, there are a variety of artificial bones specially made for dogs to chew.
  1. grill [ ] n. 烤架,铁格子 2. descend [ ] vi. 遗传
  3. canine [ ] n. 犬;[解剖] 犬齿 4. prey [ ] n. 捕食;被捕食的动物
  5. nutritious [ ] adj. 有营养的,滋养的
  6. marrow [ ] n. 髓,骨髓 7. calcium [ ] n. [化学] 钙
  8. protein [ n. 蛋白质
  9. innate [ ] adj. 先天的;固有的;与生俱来的
  10. endorphin [ ] n. 脑内啡;内啡肽11. scrape [ ] vt. 刮;擦伤;挖成
  12. plaque [ ] n. 血小板;牙斑 13. tartar [ ] n. 牙垢
  14. veterinarian [ ] n. [獸医] 兽医
  15. infection [ ] n. 感染;传染 16. intestine [ ] n. 肠
  17. brittle [ ] adj. 易碎的,脆弱的 18. splinter [ ] n. 碎片;微小的东西
在传统的教学理念下,提升学生的考试成绩,是教师主要的教学任务。在这种教学模式下,学生很容易产生被动学习的思维,不会主动对知识进行理解以及分析,久而久之,甚至会对学习产生抵触心理。因此,在现代化的教学过程中,教师就必须要对自身的教学思维以及教学模式进行优化,以保证学生学习积极性的形成。基于此,本文将对如何在高中英语教学的过程中应用学讲计划进行分析。  首先,所谓“学讲计划”指的就是以学生为主体开展教
关于高职院校语文课程改革的声音从来没有停止过,但是该如何进行语文尤其是职业教育下的语文课程改革,却没有一个定论。结合教学经验,简单谈谈有关于职业教育语文课程改革的一些思考。  高校语文职业教育改革一、高职院校语文教育存在的问题  1.学科定位模糊,教学地位下降。语文在经历了几次较大规模的课程改革之后,语文的教学地位已经大大降低,在大部分的高校中语文仅仅是选修课,无论是教师还是学生对选修课都没有重视