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安全储粮好帮手——七省粮库采用浪潮英信服务器 国家粮食局综合处唐处长 在整个国民经济体系中,中央粮库是国家的基础部门,努力提高中央粮库的信息处理水平,改善信息组织方式,优化信息共享机制,对于推动国民经济发展、优化软环境有极大的促进作用,同时还能为政府决策提供迅速、准确、高效的信息支持,因此我国从1998年起就对中央粮库的计算机网络系统建设投入了大量资金。由于中央粮库有300多处,分布面积很大,为保证系统安全运行,减少设备维护费用,所以促使我们国家粮食局项目选型小组对设备的可靠性、稳定性提出了很高的要求,特别是对网络运行的枢纽设备——服务器的要求更为严格, Safe grain storage is a good helper - Seven provinces grain bank uses Inspur Yingxin server Director of the State Grain Bureau General Department Tang In the entire national economic system, the Central Grain Depot is the country’s basic department, and strives to improve the information processing level of the Central Grain Depot and improve Information organization methods and optimization of information sharing mechanisms have a great role in promoting the development of the national economy and optimizing the soft environment. At the same time, they can also provide rapid, accurate, and efficient information support for government decisions. Therefore, China has been on the central grain since 1998. The library’s computer network system has invested a lot of money. Due to the fact that there are more than 300 Central Grain Depots and the distribution area is very large, in order to ensure the safe operation of the system and reduce equipment maintenance costs, we have urged our National Food Bureau project selection team to place high demands on the reliability and stability of the equipment. In particular, the requirements for servers that run on the network are more stringent.
南化公司连云港碱厂投入3亿元资金开发淮阴地区地下盐矿项目,前不久经中国石化集团批复。至此,连云港碱厂酝酿10多年的项目即将开工建设。 连云港碱厂每年耗用原盐100多万t
1999年对朗讯科技全球商业市场部来说是一个硕果累累的丰收年,市场推广作得有声有色,产品销量一路飚升。但继1999年7月间在上海、广州等地发现有SYSTIMAX(r)Power Sum 1061
1999年,全世界乙烯产量已超过9 000万t,预计到2010年,其需求量将达到1.36亿t,需求的年增长率将达到4.5%,其中亚洲和中东是增长得最快的地区。这是设在纽约塔里敦(Terrytown)
在信息产业飞速发展的时代,浪潮推出了适应因特网工作环境、通过物理隔离实现安全性能的高端商用网络电脑——“金盾”,在行业领域树立起了安全商用电脑新形象。 In the era
近日,Informix进行了对自身的战略性调整,将公司一分为二:Informix Software公司和Informix Business Solutions公司(暂用名)。如果说证券市场上的股票拆分有利于增值,那么,I