1999年对朗讯科技全球商业市场部来说是一个硕果累累的丰收年,市场推广作得有声有色,产品销量一路飚升。但继1999年7月间在上海、广州等地发现有SYSTIMAX(r)Power Sum 1061超五类铜缆被侵权及有伪冒品面市后,近日又发现了仿制朗讯线缆的伪劣产品,鱼目混珠扰乱市场的现象。为免用户受到不必要的损失,朗讯公司已于近日再次重申自己的立场:强力打击假货,维护消费者权益。 朗讯科技全球商业市场部董事总经理潘大伟先生指出:朗讯科技将积极保护厂家及用户的权益,并会继续将打假行动坚持下去。同时会再推出一系列有利打假的措施,
1999 was a fruitful year for Lucent’s global business marketing department. Marketing promotion was very impressive and product sales soared. However, following the discovery of SYSTIMAX(r) Power Sum 1061 Super Category 5 copper cable infringed in Shanghai and Guangzhou in July 1999, counterfeit products were found in the market. In recent days, counterfeit and inferior products resembling Lucent’s cables were discovered. Disrupt the market phenomenon. In order to protect users from unnecessary losses, Lucent has once again reiterated its position in the past: to crack down on counterfeits and safeguard consumer rights. Mr. Pan Dawei, managing director of Lucent’s global business marketing department, pointed out that Lucent Technologies will actively protect the rights of manufacturers and users, and will continue to adhere to the anti-counterfeiting measures. At the same time, it will launch a series of measures to combat counterfeiting.