A Valuable System with High Specificity for Evaluating both Metastasis and Prognosis of Oral Squamou

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OBJECTIVE A system was established to evaluate the metastasisand prognosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma by analyzing thetumor differentiation, the TNM stage, the mode of invasion, andthe expression of E-cadherin and S100A4.METHODS Squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavityof 86 cases was the focus of our study. In this system, thehistopathological grade and the histochemical patterns wereestimated on a 0-3 point scale, the total points graded from 0 to 13.RESULTS The incidence of metastasis and prognosis in thecases with total points more than 8 was significantly higher thanthat with total points less than 7 (P < 0.05, x~2= 22.0658 and P < 0.05,x~2 = 10.7047). The system had a significant higher specificity thanthat of ‘DIAGS index’ system (Differentiation, Invasion mode,Adhesion molecules, Glycosaminoglycan, and the Sugar chain)in the evaluation of metastasis (P < 0.05, u = 2.2339). Moreover,the specificity for evaluation of metastasis in the system wassignificantly higher than that of E-cadherin (P < 0.05, u = 2.4996)or S100A4 (P < 0.05, u = 2.4289) only. Furthermore the specificityfor evaluation of unfavorable prognosis in the system was alsosignificantly higher than that of E-cadherin (P < 0.05, u = 2.1313) orS100A4 only (P < 0.05, u = 2.0301).CONCLUSION This is a valuable evaluation system with highspecificity to predict metastatic potential and prognosis of oralsquamous cell carcinoma. OBJECTIVE A system was established to evaluate the metastasis and prognosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma by analyzing the tumor differentiation, the TNM stage, the mode of invasion, and the expression of E-cadherin and S100A4.METHODS Squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity of 86 cases was the focus of our study. In this system, thehistopathological grade and the histochemical patterns were estimated on a 0-3 point scale, the total points graded from 0 to 13.RESULTS The incidence of metastasis and prognosis in thecases with total points more than 8 was significantly higher thanthat with total points less than 7 (P <0.05, x ~ 2 = 22.0658 and P <0.05, x ~ 2 = 10.7047). The system had a significantly higher specificity thanthat ’DIAGS index’ system (Differentiation, Invasion mode, Adhesion molecules, Glycosaminoglycan, and the Sugar chain) in the evaluation of metastasis (P <0.05, u = 2.2339). Furthermore, the specificity for evaluation of metastasis in the system wassignificantly higher than that of E-cadherin (P <0.05, u = 2.4996) or S100A4 only. Furthermore the specificity for evaluation of unfavorable prognosis in the system was alsosificificarily higher than that of E-cadherin (P <0.05 , u = 2.1313) orS100A4 only (P <0.05, u = 2.0301) .CONCLUSION This is a valuable evaluation system with highspecificity to predict metastatic potential and prognosis of oralsquamous cell carcinoma.
1936年,在中日全面爆发战争前一年,许世英临危受命,出任中国驻日大使, 1938年初下旗归国。这是他一生中惟一的外交生涯,也是他人生旅途中极短暂而凄凉的一段经历。    被孙中山赞誉的“司法革命”    许世英,字静仁,又号俊人。1873年(清同治十二年)出生于安徽秋浦(今东至县)。受过良好的旧式教育。1897年,进京参加拔贡考试,成绩列为第一等,遂被任为刑部浙江司副主稿。  许世英并非职业外交