Go To The Wetlands To Find Delicious Food

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  Beautiful and interesting food grows at the clear waterside. In this edition, we choose 3 different types of wetlands and go to look for food of the local dwellings. Let’s go and see the delicious food making you an eye-opener!
  Moss and water
  Moss is a kind of phycophyta overgrowing on the rocks in the water bottom, it’s jade green, fine and soft, is the common food for the Dai nationality. In the early spring, as the river becomes clear and shallow, the moss also grow up, you can always see several Dai women walk into the water to get moss. Moss is a seasonal food, should be dried after harvest and stored. Wash the sand and impurities, tear and spread it into circular slice, then dry. The moss piece can be baked or fried, eaten with sticky rice, it can also be boiled into a bowl of fresh soup.
  On the dinning table of traditional Dai, there are always one or two medicine ingredients, water parsley is a kind of Dai herbs which has the functions of detoxification, killing parasites to relieve itching. As the water parsley grows at the wet waterside, and has some similarities to mint, it is also called water mint. Pick some water parsley at the waterside, wash clean and dip them in spicy peanut minan or tomato minan, it will be very refreshing.
  Small fish, tilapia
  For Dai People a feast absence of fish is not integrated, package to burn small fish is a unique local classical delicacy. Walking in the Dai People’s village at even or eight o'clock in the morning, you can see many people have come back after fishing, sit under the diaojiao building and strips down the trapped fish on the net. In addition, it’s also an easy way to get fish that one can put a bamboo fish basket in the outlet of the paddy field, and fish turns himself into it. Cleaned fishes are preserved in salt, Spicy millet, green onion, ginger, garlic, coriander, and then packged with fresh banana leaves in several layers, baked on fire. When the outermost banana leaf is baked to get sunburned, the fishes are cooked to eat.
  Tilapia is a kind of freshwater fish. For its carp-liked shape and native to Africa,it is also called Africa crucian carp. The name "LuoFei" is said to be derived from the Vietnamese transliterating, because fish was first introduced to China from Vietnam. Sweet roasted fish use ingredients similar to package to burn small fish. The difference is mixed ingredients should put into cleaned fish belly. Content rich tilapia bundled up with lemongrass is then roasted on fire clamped by bamboo clips. When baking is finished, fish is tender, and the unique roasted aromas makes it memorable.   Water centipede
  If you see a group of children bending down and turning rocks in the stream, they are likely to find water centipede. Water centipede looks ferocious ,and usually hide under the rocks in the stream. It gets the name for that it looks like a centipede, but in fact it’s the larva of the predacious diving beetle. As with most insects, Fried is the most common practice. The Water centipede after the high temperature frying tasting crispy delicious, is a good kind of snacks. Water centipede can be braised, burning, boiled soup, but the most simple way to eat is directly eating raw body after wipeing off head and tail squeezing out internal organs. Of course, it also the most can scare away foreign diners.
  The Chinese wu tong Li, Scylla serrata, double gear close hand crab
  The Chinese wu tong Li are mangrove famous tonic fareh, folk known as " Xun tiger", "Xun" are commonly known as Scylla serrata by China's southeast coastal people, crabs, and "Scylla serrata tiger" are "Scylla serrata" Nemesare. The Chinese wu tong Li are carnivorous fish, living on shrimp, crab. The Chinese wu tong Li has a pattern of the sun shape, and spin are very strong. when it meets the small crabs ,it breaks crab shell with a strong tail directly. If encounter large hole of Scylla serrata, the wu tong Li will spread out the tail fin into the hole to pretend to be "bait". While the Scylla serrata first reaction are to use large pincers clamp the bright tail fin, the Chinese wu tong Li makes a powerful "spin", to stun Scylla serrata or break its shell, and then eats it and grabs Scylla serrata hole. Thare are the story of "Scylla serrata" and "Scylla serrata tiger". Their action are sensitive during the day, so it are difficult to close them. But at night when are exposured to strong light, they instantly became a nerd, stand motionless, let your mercy. double gear close hand crab’s meat is not only bait, but also is crab paste. With a certain amount of salt, wine, ginger and garlic,it taste delicious.
  Shell and whorl
  There is a popular snacks called "shochu sea curled". According to different amount of spicy condiment, it is divided into mildly spicy, middle hot, hot and spicy. In addition to the Batillaria zonalis, in the mangrove the whorls subjected to Potamididae, such as Cerithidea cingulata , Cerithidea microptera, Cerithidea ornata, Cerithidea rhizophorarum, Terebralia sulcata, and Batillaria sordida, Batillaria cumingi subjected to Batillariidae can be eat. The cook way is also similar: screw end knockout, then cook, suck and eat.   Tegillarca granosa, a shellfish subjected to Tegillarca granosa genera, is most delicious produced in zhangzhou yunxiao mangrove. Shellfish meat contains rich protein and vitamin B12, and because it contains abundant hemoglobin, Minnan folks believe that eating Tegillarca granosa has the effect of blood. So it is also known as the "blood cockle". In ancient times, Chinese peoplehave a history of regard shellfish as the the coin. And Tegillarca granosa is mainly eat during the Spring Festival, so the legend of "food cockle accumulate wealth" is another annotation of Minnan people like eating it.
  Worm Jelly
  In addition, there are many "weird" seafood in mangrove.
  In the southeast coastal region of Fujian, there is a kind of familiar snack - Worm Jelly. Its abnormal taste delicious, but there are a lot of people do not dare to eat. In their view, strips bugs looked very sick in Worm Jelly. Their scientific name are Phascoloma esculenta. Listen to name we knew it delicious, because it is rich in pectin. It is used to make Worm Jelly in Fujian, and in the region of guangdong, people used to make Worm Jelly soup. In the mud of mangrove roots, it is rich in delicious Phascoloma esculenta, also known as the "mud".
  Yellow duck quack and whitebait
  Dongting lake is rich in fish resources, in addition to "four major Chinese carps" and common fish, like catfish, carp, there is a kind of wild fish was deeply loved by local people near the dongting lake. This fish is called " yellow-head catfish ". Because its yellow belly, and it can scream like a duck, so the locals call it "yellow duck quack", and in other places of Hunan it is called "yellow duck gu" and "yellow spicy diced". Yellow duck quack’s meat is tender, no spine between muscle.It tastes delicious, rich protein, good for stomach and kindey.
  There is another kind of fish, which has a translucent body shape. It is in silver color while roaming in water. This is Whitebait. Whitebait’s body immediately become white, jade is like snow, when being fished out of the water. It is very interesting. Whitebait is a fish of rich calcium, nutritionists referred to a longevity food. Dongting lake Whitebait are exported to overseas. The Japanese especially love it, referred to as "ginseng in the fish", as a rare. In Hunan, whitebait is usually used to make soup, matching with shredded chicken, pork, straw mushroom and eggs. This soup has a fine colour and flavour and is very delicious.   Quinoa artemisia and asparagus
  There are about 24000 hectares of reeds in the Dongting lake wetland, which is the world’s largest Weidi community. The reed is tall, with creeping rhizomes underground. The rhizomes crisscrossed into reticular formation, even forming a thick rhizomes layer on the water surface. In the mid to late March of each year, the underground rhizomes grow reed sprout, the reed sprout this time tastes best, and is of most abundant nutrition. Making hotpot with reed bud and fish, it taste very delicious. There is a popular vegetable in the market called “asparagus”, the asparagus here is the tender stem of asparagus.
  Quinoa artemisia, perennial root herb, the composite family, sagebrush, is indispensable to the locals as the spring delicacies. As other composite vegetable, quinoa artemisia also has elongated pinnate leaves. Its tender stem, rhizome bud and underground hypertrophy of fleshy stems are all edible, the tender stem is deep blue or light green, thick as the bean sprouts, sending out a special strong fragrance. It’s the best time to pick quinoa artemisia before and after the Qingming festival each year, fry the plant with unique fragrance with salty and soft bacon, it tastes very good. “Plant artemisia baba” is the Dongting lake snack with unique flavor, which is full of the local memory.
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