Frontier, Number, History, Voice, Anecdote

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  Remarkable changes have taken place in the consumption model of shopping mall over the past several decades. Now, many foreign supermarkets have been equipped with self-checkout machine. There is an experiemental shopping center named” future shopping mall” in Germany, where each of its commodity has been installed with a Radio Frequency Identification(RFID) tag so that they can manage the inventory and quality of their commodities. There are thousands of Liquid Crystal Display(LCD) close to goods shelf inside the supermarket. In this way, the employers in the shop can be able to know exactly which commodity needs replenishement as quickly as possible, in addition, on the basis of sales status, they adjust the price of their products timely and start sales promotion when it is necessary.
  Each shopping cart in the supermarket is equipped with a electronic display device, through which consumers input the things they desire to buy, then the screen will show him a route map to reach the commodity immediately, guiding the customers to find their targeted things in a short time. If one consumer picks out his desired products, then he can scan it by the electronic device on the cart, so he can check out quickly becaue of the machine has already stored his payment information in advance.
  In USA, smart phones have a high popularity there, and some large-scale retailer even begin to conduct trial of paying through cellphones. There is a shopping mall called Stop& Shop has developed a software of cellphone application—Scan-It. As long as customers download the software into their cellphones, they can push their carts and leave without lining up waiting for setting account by cashier since their cellphones can scan the stuffs and check out automatically. On the other hand, after gaining a large amount of dada pertaining to customer purchasing behaviour, business can recommend the stuffs that customers might be interested in any time, such as, after buying lettuce, your cellphone will receive the messages about the location of salad dressing; if you walk close to the storage rack of baking stuffs, on the basis of location and sensing information, merchants will send you electronic discount coupon about cake mix. Though, at present, most people are deeply concerned about the safety of smartphones and the Internet of Things, it still can be predicatable that our purchasing environment will be more individualized, flexible and convinient.
  1 million years   A long time ago, astronomists found that a black hole called P13 was very greedy for it sent much stronger lights than other holes when it was dining in the universe. A recent survey, however, showed that P13 is much greedier than expected. The black hole which is 12 million light years’ from the earth, located at the edge of a spiral galaxy called NGC7793, can swallow the substances that is equal to 1 trillion hotdogs within one minute. According to Dr. Soria, an researcher in this field, P13, with a super large companion star whose weight is as big as 20 suns, acting as a phagocytosis master in the universe, can swallow its companion star within 1 million years which sounds like an astronomic figure, but when it refers to the whole universe, it was just a short time. One thing needs to be mentioned, the size of a common black hole is only as big as two suns.
  On the 6th November, 1976, David Marine who is an American pathologist passed away. It was in 1917 that he found it would be an effective way to add iodine to edible salt so as to meet the daily required iodine, at the same time, he was engaged in scientific research about goiters. Untill 1967, 23 countries had legislated to the use of iodate; and in 1993,both the World Health Organization and the United Nations Children’s Fund proposed that all edible salt should be added iodine to eliminate iodine deficiency disorders. Since then, much progress was made in the production and quality fo iodate. However, the situation of iodine deficiency disorders still remain grave. According the latest materials, there are 1.8 billion people who suffer from the deficency of iodine, including 241 million school children. The uneven geological distribution of iodine and long-time accumulation of the cyclic process of the Earth are the objective reasons that cause such disease, but it is generally believed that the ineffective implementation of public intervening measures (such as adding iodine to edible salt/ the strategy of adding iodine to all edible salt) was the major reason that lead to the popularity of the disease.
  Two shrimpers in Maine, the USA, caught rare albino lobsters in succession, comparing with common lobsters, these two ones are glittering and transparent, which is typical for albino lobsters. Bates, one of the shrimpers, said it was the first time to see a white lobster during over 20 years of catching lobster in his life.
  Bob Bayer, executive director of lobster research institute of Maine University, believed that one of the two shrimps was cyan in its white cell, which was not a albino lobster. According to him, he would feed the losbster with food rich in carotenoid, if it was not such a rare lobster, its crust would become darken.
  It is said that these lobsters are not large enough in terms of law, and should be released to sea, but they are rarely seen and the probability of catching it is one in one hundrend million, so Maine made an exception to allow keeping them. Currently, one had been sent to Aquarium of Maine, the other was kept at a lobster supply shop in Thomaston.
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