
来源 :兵团建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:beauty85123
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兵团成立40多年来,各项事业不断发展,人才起了十分重要的作用。兵团现有各类专业技术人员17.27万人,每万人拥有各类技术人员为全国的3倍。其中,工程技术人员、农业技术人员、科学研究人员分别占新疆维吾尔自治区总量的17.2%、36.1%和19.3%。在专业技术人员中,高、中、初级技术职称的比例为1:5:29。1982年兵团恢复以来,兵团党委对人才工作十分重视,在落实知识分子政策、稳定现有科技队伍、引进人才等方面采取了许多重要措施,出台了一系列的重要政策。在知识分子工资待遇、住房、子女就业、职称评定、科技成果奖、吸引外部人才、加快人才市场建设步伐、搞活兵团人才资源合理配置等方面都作了积极努力,取得了明显成效。但随着社会主义市场经济的深入发展和西部大开发战略的实施,兵团面临着越来越严峻的人才挑 For more than 40 years since the establishment of the Corps, the continual development of various undertakings has played a very important role in personnel. The Corps currently has 172,700 professional and technical personnel of all kinds, each of whom has three times as many technical personnel as the whole country. Among them, engineering technicians, agricultural technicians and scientific researchers accounted for 17.2%, 36.1% and 19.3% of the total in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Among professional and technical personnel, the ratio of senior, middle and junior technical titles is 1: 5: 29. Since the restoration of the Corps in 1982, the Corps party committee has attached great importance to the work of personnel work. In implementing the policies of the intellectuals, stabilizing the existing scientific and technological ranks and bringing in qualified personnel Took a number of important measures such as the introduction of a series of important policies. We have made positive efforts in such fields as wages for the intellectuals, housing, employment of children, assessment of titles, awards for scientific and technological achievements, attracting external talents, accelerating the pace of building a talent market and invigorating the rational allocation of human resources for the Corps. We have achieved remarkable results. However, with the further development of the socialist market economy and the implementation of the strategy of developing the west, the Corps is facing more and more serious challenges
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