Ice-Induced Fatigue Analysis by Spectral Approach for Offshore Jacket Platforms with Ice-Breaking Co

来源 :China Ocean Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gy19890509
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The spectral methods and ice-induced fatigue analysis are discussed based on Miner’s linear cumulative fatigue hypothesis and S-N curve data.According to the long-term data of full-scale tests on the platforms in the Bohai Sea,the ice force spectrum of conical structures and the fatigue environmental model are established.Moreover,the finite element model of JZ20-2MSW platform,an example of ice-induced fatigue analysis,is built with ANSYS software.The mode analysis and dynamic analysis in frequency domain under all kinds of ice fatigue work conditions are carried on,and the fatigue life of the structure is estimated in detail.The methods in this paper can be helpful in ice-induced fatigue analysis of ice-resistant platforms. The spectral methods and ice-induced fatigue analysis are discussed based on Miner’s linear cumulative fatigue hypothesis and SN curve data. According to the long-term data of full-scale tests on the platforms in the Bohai Sea, the ice force spectrum of conical structures and the fatigue environmental model are established. Moreover, the finite element model of JZ20-2MSW platform, an example of ice-induced fatigue analysis, is built with ANSYS software. The mode analysis and dynamic analysis in frequency domain under all kinds of ice fatigue work conditions are carried on, and the fatigue life of the structure is estimated in detail. The methods in this paper can be helpful in ice-induced fatigue analysis of ice-resistant platforms.
HAN Qing abandoned music for oil painting in 2000. His works of art have since centered on the phenomenon of night-, as opposed to day-, light; it is the vehicl
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论文摘要:市场在资源、人才、技术、资金等方面起配置主导作用,但在社会主义市场经济不尽完善的初级阶段,要解决建筑市场无序竞争、队伍结构失衡、主体信用缺失、科技含量低、高端竞争力不足等问题,单纯依靠市场自身的调节作用是无法实现的,必须配合以行业主管部门在依法行政基础上的宏观调控和行政推动,多种手段综合作用才能实现建筑业的科学和谐发展。  正文:  在社会主义市场经济不尽完善的初级阶段,建筑业发展面临市
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