
来源 :好家长 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hesehuzi
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一张刻满岁月年轮的脸,一双饱含慈爱的眼眸,一头泛着银光的白发,外婆就是这么一个人。小时候,父母因为工作的原因,经常接外婆来照顾我。平日里的家务都落在了一双苍老有力的手上,这双手给我带来过快乐,带来过温暖,也带来过美味。外婆会做各种元宵,红豆的、豆沙的、芝麻的……个个饱满圆润,吊人胃口。面粉、馅,简单的食材,外婆也能做出美味。她捧出一些面粉来,浇了些温水,糯白 A face full of years of the face of the ring, a pair of full of loving eyes, a silver glow of white hair, grandmother is such a person. As a child, parents because of work reasons, often take care of my grandmother. The usual housework landed in a pair of old and powerful hands, which brought me joy, brought warmth, but also brought delicious. Grandma will do all kinds of Lantern Festival, red beans, red bean paste, sesame ... ... all full and round, hanging human appetite. Flour, stuffing, simple ingredients, grandmother can make delicious. She took some flour to pour some warm water, waxy white
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导语:许多人对原本学日语、又在日本打拼多年,却选择了移民并定居加拿大的人,觉得有些惊讶。其实在上世纪末、本世纪初,选择这条路的华人还真不算少。  我的朋友“爱美丽”是浙江人,本名叫任静芬,“爱美丽”是我对她英文名Emyly的音译,之所以这么翻,是觉得这样音意两全,对她特别贴切:她有一双灵动的大眼睛,当她看着你时,那双眼睛仿佛在对你微笑、说话。  她是我2002年在多伦多一家日本公司上班时的同事,初
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