
来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoemoshou123abc
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  United Nations officials warned that there is a huge need for well-trained and well-supported teachers at World Teachers' Day, particularly in African and Arab States where the teacher shortage are worst hit.
  UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization reported that another 5.2 million teachers are needed in order to achieve the Millennium Development Goal of achieving universal primary education by 2015.
  The heads of four major UN agencies and a partner organization, Education International, said in a joint message for World Teachers' Day that the challenge goes beyond number as teachers far too often remain under-qualified and poorly paid, with low status, and excluded from education policy matters and decisions. And “unless we are able to hire more teachers, we will have generations of people who are unemployed and unemployable,” Special Envoy for Global Education, Gordon Brown, said,
  “Education is not only the way to unlock individual opportunity. It is not only the only way to break the cycle of poverty. But it is also the way that individual nations can become prosperous,” Mr. Brown explained, calling for mobilization of the private sector, faith groups, civil society, young people and others to pressure domestic governments into further prioritizing education.
  World Teachers' Day is held annually since 1994 as an annual commemoration of the UNESCO-ILO Recommendation Concerning the Status of Teachers which was signed in 1966. The Day also celebrates the vital role of teachers in providing quality education at all levels.
2013年3月,世界卫生组织发布调查结果显示,由于全球贫困和危机状况有所增加,被包办婚姻的“娃娃新娘”人数正逐渐增多。  由于自然灾害、政局动荡和经济不景气等原因,许多父母都将包办女儿婚姻视为拯救家庭的手段。根据世界卫生组织的统计,每天全球有大约3.9万名不满18岁的年轻女孩步入婚姻,目前全球共有5750万“娃娃新娘”。40%的印度新娘是未成年少女,46%的女性在满18岁以前结婚。在非洲,未满18
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R.I.S.E.和CYS项目都是为了帮助青年们实现自己的目标和自给自足而设立的。责任、独立、支持、许可是R.I.S.E.的基本宗旨。两种项目都是在R.I.S.E.体系中运营的, R.I.S.E.为青年们的学习、生活、就业提供了良好的机会。但是这两个计划并不相同。CYS属于独立的生活项目,在R.I.S.E.体系中有全职的独立生活项目经理。而R.I.S.E.项目员工在青年们入学之前就开始进行管理并提供
2011年12月19日,联合国大会通过66/170号决议,宣布每年的10月11日为“国际女童日”,以确认女童的各项权利,旨在提高女童在教育、医疗、营养、法律和安全等方面的待遇,以及增强世界各国对于女童面临的不平等待遇的认知。  鉴于目前全球依然严峻的童婚现象,“消灭童婚,保护女童权利”成为了首个(2012年)国际女童日的主题。怎奈,世界各国的摇旗呐喊一时之间还难以化解童婚现象日益增多的趋势。女童由
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