Actions to Defeat Racism

来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ddd12322
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  Brasil: What Is The Best Way to Remedy That?
  In the 2010 census in Brasil, 51% of Brazilians defined themselves as black or brown. On average, the income of whites is slightly more than double that of black or brown Brazilians. It finds that blacks are relatively disadvantaged in their level of education and in their access to health and other services.
  In a passionate and sometimes angry debate, black Brazilian activists insist that slavery’s legacy of injustice and inequality can only be reversed by affirmative-action policies, of the kind found in the United States.
  Their opponents argue that the history of race relations in Brazil is very different, and that such policies risk creating new racial problems. Unlike in the United States, slavery in Brazil never meant segregation. Mixing was the norm, and Brazil had many more free blacks. The result is a spectrum of skin colors rather than a dichotomy. Importing American-style affirmative action may force Brazilians to place themselves in strict racial categories.
  So far the main battleground has entered universities. Since 2001 more than 70 public universities have introduced racial admissions quotas. In Rio de Janeiro’s state universities, 20% of places are set aside for black students who pass the entrance exam. Another 25% are reserved for a “social quota” of pupils from state schools whose parents’ income is less than twice the minimum wage—who are often black. A big federal programme awards grants to black and brown students at private universities.
  These measures are starting to make a difference. Although only 6.3% of black 18- to 24-year-olds were in higher education in 2006, that was double the proportion in 2001.
  Academics from some of Brazil’s best universities have led a campaign against quotas. They argue firstly that affirmative action starts with an act of racism: the division of a rainbow nation into arbitrary color categories.
  Assigning races in Brazil is not always as easy as the activists claim. In 2007 one of two identical twins who both applied to enter the University of Brasília was classified as black, the other as white. All these risk creating racial resentment. In practice, many of the fears surrounding university quotas have not been borne out.
  Nelson do Valle Silva, a sociologist at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, says that the backlash against quotas would have been even stronger if access to universities were not growing so fast. For now, almost everyone who passes the exam gets in somewhere. It also helps, he says, that many universities have adopted less controversial “social quotas”.   2010年的人口普查显示,认为自己是黑人或棕色人种的巴西人占总人数的51%。白人收入大约是黑人和棕色人种收入的两倍多。黑人在受教育程度、医疗福利方面也处于相对弱势地位。
  Australia: Get to Know Me,
  as A Friend
  Some people think racist ideas can be overcome just by educating people out of their prejudices. This is fine as far as it goes. Revolution supports the maximum of anti-racist education and argument to counter the lies of racists who try to present ‘other’ cultures as ‘strange’, ‘backward’ or inferior.
  But there is more to racism than this. It is not just a prejudice; it is deeply entrenched in our society. In many countries, it even runs through some of the most powerful institutions of the State. Racism does not just die out because it is educated out of people.
  VicHealth, which works in partnership with organizations, communities and individuals to make health a central part of people’s daily lives, runs a community awareness campaign with the aim of increasing the acceptance of cultural diversity and reducing race-based discrimination.
  The See Beyond Race campaign, features local residents from different cultural backgrounds.
  As part of the campaign, these residents feature on billboards, buses, in shopping centers and on local television and radio within their community. The advertisements feature snippets of information about these people _ their hobbies, professions and family lives_ in order to break down racial stereotypes and perceive people as individuals. The campaign also advises parents to be a role model to children by encouraging diverse friendships and providing them with plenty of multicultural experiences.   The local residents are supposed to dispel racist stereotypes through the campaign, which sends affirmative messages, “Just because someone isn't the same nationality as you, doesn't mean they don’t share a common humanity and the right to be respected and treated fairly the same as you.”
  Until our collective understanding of racism moves beyond the interpersonal level and regularly includes an understanding of how broad and interconnected policies and practices profoundly impact opportunities and racial outcomes in our society, our spectrum of solutions will remain painfully limited.
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