
来源 :中国农业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lfw_1988
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采用半结构访谈方法对山东省龙口市农技推广人员与农业管理人员进行调研,评估当地冬小麦和夏玉米的产量限制因素与产量提升技术途径。结果表明:冬小麦产量的主要限制因素是品种丰产性低、播期过早、播量过大、肥水运筹不合理,5年内可广泛应用于生产的技术措施是测土配方施肥、推广改良品种和玉米秸秆还田。夏玉米产量的主要限制因素是栽培管理粗放、播种质量不高、干旱,5年内可广泛应用于生产的技术措施是推迟套种时间、因地制宜选用良种。从中长期来看,未来5~20年内小麦-玉米两熟制大田生产的产量提升需要栽培管理技术、优良适宜品种、极端气候预防及补救技术措施和提升粮食作物补贴的共同作用。 Semi-structured interviews were conducted to investigate and evaluate agricultural extension workers and agricultural managers in Longkou, Shandong Province to assess the yield constraints and yield enhancement techniques of local winter wheat and summer maize. The results showed that the main limiting factors of winter wheat yield were the low yield and high sowing date, too early sowing date, too much seeding rate and unreasonable fertilizer and water management. The technical measures that could be widely applied in the five years were soil testing and fertilizer application, Corn straw to the field. The main limiting factors for summer maize production are extensive cultivation and management, low sowing quality and drought. The technical measures that can be widely applied to production in 5 years are to delay the intercropping time and select the best ones according to local conditions. In the medium to long term, increasing production of two-crop wheat-maize fields in the next five to 20 years will require a combination of cultivation and management techniques, fine and appropriate varieties, extreme climate prevention and remediation techniques, and improved food crop subsidies.
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