Study of the Earth's free core nutation by tidal gravity data ecorded with international superc

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dysongbo
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By stacking high-precision tidal gravity observations obtained with superconducting gravimeters at six stations in China, Japan, Belgium, France, Germany and Finland, the local systematical discrepancies in the parameter fitting, caused by atmospheric, oceanic tidal loading and the other local environmental perturbations, are eliminated effectively. As a result, the resonance parameters of the Earth's free core nutation are accurately determined. In this study, the eigenpe-riod of free core nutation is given as 429.0 sidereal days, which is in agreement with those published in the previous studies. It is about 30 sidereal days less than those calculated in theoretical models (about 460 sidereal days), which confirms the real ellipticity of the fluid core of the Earth to be about 5% larger than the one expected in assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium. The quality factor (Q value) of free core nutation is given as about 9543, which, compared with those determined before based on the body tide observations By stacking high-precision tidal gravity observations obtained with superconducting gravimeters at six stations in China, Japan, Belgium, France, Germany and Finland, the local systematical discrepancies in the parameter fitting, caused by atmospheric, oceanic tidal loading and the other local environmental perturbations , are well effective. As a result, the resonance parameters of the Earth's free core nutation are accurately determined. In this study, the eigenpe-riod of free core nutation is given as 429.0 sidereal days, which is in agreement with those published in the previous studies. It is about 30 sidereal days less than those calculated in theoretical models (about 460 sidereal days), which confirms the real ellipticity of the fluid core of the Earth to be about 5% larger than the one expected in assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium . The quality factor (Q value) of free core nutation is given as about 9543, which, compared with those determined before based on the bod y tide observations
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肝囊肿分为寄生虫性与非寄生虫性两种。前者主要指肝棘球囊肿,临床上比较少见。后者则指各种先天性及后天性肝囊肿,临床常见。这里着重介绍非寄生虫性肝囊肿(以下简称肝囊肿)。     肝囊肿的症状及诊断     肝囊肿以多囊肝多见,单个者较少见。本病多无临床症状,故无准确发病率。据尸检报告,肝囊肿的检出率为0.2%左右。肝囊肿约50%与肾囊肿并存,25%同时有卵巢或胰腺囊肿。大多数肝囊肿属于先天性。囊肿大