
来源 :国外医学(卫生学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shmilyuho
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1981年12月8~11日和14~18日分别在南斯拉夫的萨格里布和瑞士的日内瓦召开了“人类接触污染物的生物监测评价”试行项目(以下简称“生物监测试行项目”)有机氯农药部分和金属部分的工作会议。该项口是WHO和UNEP共同开展的全球环境监测系统中五个专题(即全球大气监测、全球水质监测、食品污染监测、生物监测及大气污染对健康影响)之一。它始于1978年6月,按原计划应于1981年年底结束。它分成二个独立的部分以开展工作,即有机氯农药(DDT,六六六和PCB)和金属(Pb和Cd)。参加该项目的国家来自世界各地区,有机氯农药部分:墨西哥、美国、埃及、以色列、比利时、西德、土耳其、南斯拉夫、印度、日本和中国(1980年秋参加); December 1981, December 8 to 11, and 14 to 18 held in Yugoslavia and Switzerland in Geneva, respectively, the “human exposure to pollutants biological monitoring evaluation” pilot project (hereinafter referred to as “bio-monitoring pilot project”) organic Chloride pesticides part and the metal part of the working conference. This is one of the five topics of the global environmental monitoring system jointly implemented by WHO and UNEP (ie, global atmospheric monitoring, global water quality monitoring, food contamination monitoring, biological monitoring and the health impact of air pollution). It started in June 1978 and, as originally planned, should be concluded by the end of 1981. It is split into two separate parts to work on: organochlorine pesticides (DDT, BHC and PCB) and metals (Pb and Cd). Countries participating in the project come from all over the world. Organochlorine pesticides: Mexico, the United States, Egypt, Israel, Belgium, West Germany, Turkey, Yugoslavia, India, Japan and China (autumn 1980).
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