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没有人可以否认广告对黎明事业的重要性。每次专辑发行前总有广告开路,特别是他为香港和记拍摄的手机广告,更是在香港掀起一股又一股的流行语风潮。今年夏天,黎明的全新大碟《Leon Now》更是充分展现广告王子的魅力,收录了多首广告歌,包括乐百氏纯净水、无限美洗发水及和记电讯等,曲风新鲜,充满时尚感觉和活力。为让内地歌迷抢先欣赏Leon 的新歌,发行公司美卡音像还在国内各大唱片店推出买任何美卡产品即送黎明新歌单曲卡带的活动,Leon 的歌迷有福了!黎明为乐百氏纯净水做的广告已在中央电视台黄金时段播出,广告歌名为《透明》,广告中的黎明白衣白裤,给人一种清凉纯净的 No one can deny the importance of advertising to dawn. There are always advertisements before the album is released. In particular, the mobile phone advertisement he shot for Hutchison in Hong Kong is a wave of buzzwords in Hong Kong after another. This summer dawn of the new album “Leon Now” is full of advertising Prince charm, included a number of ad songs, including Robust Pure Water, unlimited beauty Shampoo and Hutchison Telecommunications, fresh and full of genre Fashion sense and vitality. In order to let the mainland fans first to enjoy Leon’s new song, the issue of the company’s USCar audio and video is still in major domestic record stores launched to buy any card product that is sent to the dawn of new song singles cassette activities, Leon’s fans blessed! Dawn is Robust Water advertising has been broadcast in prime time CCTV, the ad song called “transparent”, advertising dawn white pants, giving a cool and pure