Influence of Data Clouds Fusion From 3D Real-Time Vision System on Robotic Group Dead Reckoning in U

来源 :自动化学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoluc
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This paper proposes the solution of tasks set required for autonomous robotic group behavior optimization during the mission on a distributed area in a cluttered hazardous terrain. The navigation scheme uses the benefits of the original real-time technical vision system (TVS) based on a dynamic triangulation principle. The method uses TVS output data with fuzzy logic rules processing for resolution stabilization. Based on previous re-searches, the dynamic communication network model is modified to implement the propagation of information with a feedback method for more stable data exchange inside the robotic group. According to the comparative analysis of approximation methods, in this paper authors are proposing to use two-steps post-pro-cessing path planning aiming to get a smooth and energy-saving trajectory. The article provides a wide range of studies and com-putational experiment results for different scenarios for evalu-ation of common cloud point influence on robotic motion plan-ning.
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目的 分析 2016~2018 年江苏省学校食物中毒事件流行病学特征,提出相关建议.方法 收集2016~2018 年江苏省学校食物中毒事件监测数据,采用 EXCEL 软件对数据进行流行病学分析.结
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