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  O Romeo, Romeo! 1)Wherefore art thou, Romeo?”
  Breaking the rules, my little underage 2)peanut.
  Because, in reality, that’s exactly what Romeo was doing when he 3)set his sights on that pretty piece of4)Veronian tragedy, Juliet. Daddy 5)et al. said not to push that little 6)red button, but Romeo was not one to 7)heed red-button-advice. And 8)vice versa. Juliet, still 9)under Mama’s thumb at the 10)ripe old age of 13, was meant to be marrying a much more appropriate suitor—the11)illustrious, if somewhat boring, Paris. Yet even Paris had been told to back off for the present due to Juliet’s somewhat (even for that day) 12)risqué circumstances: she was, after all, only 13. Capulet and Montague alike could agree: Don’t push that little red button.
  But we all know what that means…
  It really just seems part of our nature sometimes, doesn’t it? Quick! Don’t think of elephants! And what are you thinking about right now? Tell us not to think and our minds start racing. Tell us not to touch and our fingers begin to 13)itch. Tell us not to love and we 14)trip all over ourselves to declare our undying passion. Rules, as they say, were made to be broken, and we are very much inclined to do so. And if those rules were ever to be taken away, an element of passion, of pure 15)disregard for anything but love, would most certainly vanish. We need rules, if only so that we can 16)throw caution to the wind in the name of love and bust those rules to pieces. It’s a theme that we see 17)cropping up again and again in all forms of literature and from all ages of history—even the current one.
  Let’s take a look at some slightly more modern examples of why “no more rules” would mean “no more love”:
  The Notebook
  First a novel by 18)Nicholas Sparks, later a movie directed by Nick Cassavetes, The Notebook tells the story of a man telling a story. As a young man, Noah Calhoun experienced the tragedy of love 19)ripped apart by a tradition older than writing itself—class. Unable to find the love of his life after her parents 20)spirit her away, he is left trying to put together the remaining pieces of his life. But when that woman, Allie Hamilton, walks back into his life, he ignores every rule in the Book of Class in favour of something a little crazier: love.
  The Notebook is, without a doubt, a study in breaking the rules that bind love. With our heroine 21)defying her parents and our hero defying just about everyone on the planet, we have to ask: What if no one had had any problems with them at all? If Allie’s parents hadn’t been hiding the letters, would she have started writing back to Noah? And if so, would their passion—left 22)bottled and ready to burst by denial—have simply leaked out and…gone away? Is it too 23)farfetched to think that absence makes the heart grow fonder?
  Pride and Prejudice
  Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy—the absolute24)epitome of a love-hate relationship. Seemingly drawn together by 25)nothing short of fate, their love for each other grows out of a 26)grudging respect despite their many prejudices and assumptions. Mr. Darcy’s ill-conceived confession of love is enough to make anyone 27)squirm in their seats; his proposal is barely more than a listing of everything he can’t stand about Elizabeth’s life—not exactly the best way to win a woman’s heart. And to 28)top it all off, the woman to whom he’s proposing happens to hate everything about him. Between the two of them, there is just enough 29)enmity to make the dissolution of their preconceived notions a humorous and romantic ending to the novel.
  But really, when the assumptions and prejudices disappear, what’s left? Was Mr. Darcy really such a great guy for Elizabeth, or did he just seem that way in comparison to the person she had judged him to be? And was Elizabeth truly so special, or did her faults just highlight the few good things? Without their prejudices, Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy probably wouldn’t have given each other a second glance. The only reason they took any notice of each other in the first place was because of their mutual dislike based on social assumptions. Without those social prejudices—those social rules—their relationship wouldn’t have even left the ground.
  The breaking of rules is like a 30)stapler that 31)punches through everything to bind relationships together. Sure, relationships can happen without rules, but they’re a little less dramatic, a little less passionate—a little less like love. People may cry for acceptance, 32)holler, for tolerance, and that’s all well and good. But I say: No more rules? No more love.
Not all garbage ends up at the dump. A river, 2)sewer or beach can’t catch everything the rain washes away, either. In fact, Earth’s largest   3)landfill isn’t on land at all.  The Great Pacific Garba
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“粉丝”们,看完上一期节选的《三杯茶》精彩选段之后,是不是冒出很多疑问:主人公摩顿森后来到底有没有兑现自己的承诺?他会如何做呢?……别急,这期我们继续为大家奉上《三杯茶》的感人章节,让我们一起来慢慢品味那缕缕茶香,浓浓情意!  ——Maisie    【前情提要:回到美国的摩顿森并没有忘记自己对科尔飞村长哈吉·阿里做出的筹建学校的承诺。他写了580封募捐信,寄给那些看起来很有影响力、很受欢迎或是很
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