Microlectures in Primary and Secondary School Teaching

来源 :成长·读写月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Carlower
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  【Abstract】Microlectures record the teacher in the teaching process around certain knowledge or the teaching steps and to carry out the whole process of teaching and learning activities. The popularity of the microlectures has attracted the attention of educators. The interest surrounding the use of microlectures has continued to grow. Additionally, the primary and secondary teachers at schools support the importance of an innovative teaching-learning approach for learners.
  【Key words】Microlectures; primary and secondary school teaching
  Microlectures refer to actual instructional content that is formatted for online and mobile learning using a constructivist approach. Microlectures are a simple multimedia presentation that can be from 1 to 3 minutes long and combined with the following assignments and discussions to engage learners.
  The three main factors of microlectures rapidly popular are: fragments of the era of mobile intelligent learning trend, the national education informatization policy to promote, online education companies compete to purchase. The microlectures can give the learners a brief overview of the content with key concepts, demonstrate a single problem solving procedure or give a step-by-step instruction, make attractive introduction of a learning topic and its objectives with personal touch and thus raise awareness and curiosity of the learners.
  2、The main benefits of Microlectures
  Microlectures have many advantages: content generally involves only a knowledge point, learning does not need to take long time, also won't bring learning intensity of pressure. Students can use mobile phones or computers, use of fragmented time watching, learning become ubiquitous. And Microlectures have the same benefits as a short video, which is a proven method of fostering deeper cognitive processing. The main benefits of microlectures are:
  With core-focused short lectures learners can control their learning. They can choose which lesson to watch and move through them at their own pace. They can return to microlectures any number of times to ensure the understanding.
  Microlectures are great supporter of flipped classroom, saving classroom time for activities that are more focused.
  Recording microlectures is certainly quicker and easier than one hour lecture.
  Reusability of microlectures over time and in different modules results in time spared for creating new engaging contents. Although some microlectures will need refreshing, it is certainly easier updating a 3 minute lecture than a 30 minute one.   For teachers, microlectures has changed the traditional knowledge of present model, which can change students' learning styles and microlectures can relief the teacher from repeated work.
  3、Microlectures in primary and secondary schools
  In recent years, some domestic micro teaching primary and secondary school teachers are beginning to try. All kinds of primary and secondary school microlectures competition proceed in the summer. According to the survey, the vast majority of primary and secondary school teachers knew microlectures and they participated in the training courses, more and more primary and secondary school teachers will be use microlectures as a new way of teaching. But the lesson is for a specific target groups,. Microlectures was applied to the conventional teaching of teachers are very few, very little used in the regular classroom, only when necessary (including experimental lesson /public class, flipped classroom experiment class/public courses, according to the practical teaching contents need).
  Most of the primary and secondary school teachers think that most students like microlectures, also they think students’ classroom attention more concentrated at the same time, and improve the students' interest in learning and self-study ability. Because the teacher use microlectures only in the public class or occasionally use microlectures experiment on class, so the lesson for student representative is a fresh, new way of learning resources or learning.
  At last, the most difficult of the primary and secondary school teachers use microlectures as the conventional teaching are technology, time and cost. Microlectures recording technology does not belong to the category of teachers' professional knowledge and skills, for the majority of teachers will be the teacher's biggest difficulties. And the design of classroom teaching is another problem, some teacher even think using microlectures in the regular classroom lesson lack of necessity.
  Reference :
  Shieh,David.(2009).These lectures are gone in 60 seconds.Chronicle of Higher Education, 55(26), A1,A13.
  王竹立.微课与翻转课堂:让调查数据说话. http://www.zhongjiaomedia.com/z/4489.html.
【摘 要】农村小学教育失衡是全国的共性,究其原因是多方面的,我们应该找出对策解决这一不好的局面,比如改善教学环境,搞好硬件建设;优化师资队伍,创新人事制度;加快师资培养,加强对口帮扶;推进公平教育,办好农村寄宿等。本文就以上几点做了详细的探讨。  【关键词】农村小学;发展失衡;教学环境;优化加强  城乡教育失衡是教育体制改革进程中不可回避的困难和瓶颈,只有高度重视,强化举措,有效破解,才能推进教育
【摘 要】本文主要探讨各种游戏在小学英语课堂中的巧用和实用,阐述了游戏实施的背景和理论依据,详细讨论了游戏教学行之有效的操作方法,并就实施游戏教学法的经验进行了分析和总结。充分说明和体现了游戏在小学英语课堂中的重要性,大大提高了小学生对英语的学习兴趣。根据学生的实际情况和教材的难易程度,选择适当的游戏,尽可能的让全班同学都参与,形成轻松愉快地学习气氛,让小学生在游戏中体验英语的乐趣。游戏对小学英语
【摘 要】作业批改作为教学工作的一个必不可少的环节,是教学评价系统中的一个子系统,也是教师投入大量的工作时间,劳神费思而又弃之不能的一项教学程序和教学任务。面对新课程对评价的要求,本文试着在高中数学作业的布置和批改方面进行探究,以希取得更好的展开数学作业的变更。  【关键词】高中数学;新课程;作业布置;作业批改;分层作业  新一轮教育改革正在如火如荼地进行,教师已逐渐由只研究教法向研究教法、学法双
【摘 要】中国基础教育的发展和既往的改革都取得了巨大成就,对于促进中国政治、经济、科技和文化等各个方面的发展都做出了巨大贡献。与此同时,我们也必须实事求是地承认,中国基础教育的改革现状同时代发展的要求和肩负的重大历史责任之间还存在着巨大的反差。我们不可避免的会触及很多存在的问题。  【关键词】基础教育改革;教师教育改革  首先是教师资源配置不均和观念更新的问题。在《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》中
【摘 要】由于种种原因,学校生源素质普遍不高,其中一部分是思想品德和学习表现比较落后或自身缺点较多的后进生。造成后进生的原因有外部因素:家庭、学校和社会三方面因素,内部因素即学生身心发展过程中的不平衡所导致的种种矛盾是学生形成“后进”的内在因素。其转化对策主要是通过明确培养目标、完善管理制度、合理心理疏导、改进教育方法、丰富活动形式、构建育人网络来进行。后进生一般具有以下特点:逆反心理强;厌学情绪
【摘 要】随着小学教育的不断改革推进,对小学生的要求从简单的接受知识转变为娴熟、灵活的运用知识。在教学模式中引进“三疑三探”的方法,师生若能够正确使用,不仅可以提高学生的阅读能力,还可以使学生在对文本理解上到达一个质的飞跃。但是根深蒂固的小学语文“浅阅读”思想遮挡了这一教学模式的闪光点,笔者将探讨“三疑三探”教学模式下的小学语文“浅阅读”现象,深入剖析现象背后的本质原因,从提高教学质量的角度切入,
【摘 要】新中国成立后,我国共进行了八次基础教育改革。基础教育改革的开展所带来的变化在给学生提供更广阔的学习空间、使教师的专业自主权得以确立的同时,也给课程实施者尤其是教师带来了挑战,要求教师以全新的姿态面对学生与教材,树立新的课程观与教学观,不断提高自身素质以适应教学实践的需要。在这种情况下,教师的终身学习就具有更重大的意义了。  【关键词】基础教育;教育改革;教师  教师教育改革属于基础教育改
【摘 要】识字、写字教学是语文教学的一项重要任务。本文从新课标在识字、写字方面入手,浅谈实行“认写分开”、“多认少写”,提出“会认、会写”两种要求,这对培养学生的阅读能力以及获取信息的能力都有重要意义。  【关键词】识字写字;阅读能力;兴趣培养  一、教学生在自学中掌握汉字的构字规律  过去的教学一般是老师教,学生学,学生处于被动地位。新课程充分体现了让学生自学,用多种方法思考、记忆、分析字形的思
【摘 要】初中语文写作教学成为初中语文教学中的重要内容,语文教学质量的提高很大一部分决定于语文写作教学。在初中语文考试试卷的分值比例中,写作占总分值的45%,所占比例最大。初中语文写作教学可以分为资料搜集、寻找思路、设置主题和确定提纲等几部分。寻找写作思路和搜集材料是写作的基本,创造性是写作的灵魂。本文将从以上几个方面对语文写作教学开展分析论述。  【关键词】初中语文;写作教学;要素分析  写作是