
来源 :实用眼科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:slchen168
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结膜结核颇属少见,我科遇见长期误诊例,现报告如下: 王××男 19岁学生住院号 1202。发热咳嗽,痰中带血三月余,于1984年5月9日收住我院传染科。患者近二三年来,双眼异物感,发红,轻畏光。多次在我科门诊及外地诊为“春季卡他”,“沙眼”等间断用药治疗,但症状逐渐加重。后因肺结核入院。全身检查:发育正常,营养一般,体温,37.5℃右肺呼吸音减弱,两肺呼吸音粗糙,两肺底可闻及少量湿性罗音。心律整齐,各办膜未闻及病理性杂音,肝脾刚及无压痛。全身淋巴结无肿大。 Conjunctival tuberculosis is very rare, my family met with long-term misdiagnosis cases, are as follows: Wang XX male 19-year-old student hospital 1202. Fever cough, bloody sputum more than three months, in May 9, 1984 admitted to our hospital Department of Infectious Diseases. In the past two or three years, his eyes had foreign body sensation, redness and light fear of light. Repeatedly in our clinic and field diagnosed as “spring card him,” “trachoma” intermittent medication, but the symptoms gradually aggravated. After admission due to tuberculosis. Whole body examination: normal development, general nutrition, body temperature, 37.5 ℃ right lung breath sounds weakened, two lungs rough breathing sounds, both lungs can be heard and a small amount of wet rales. Rhythm and tidy, the film did not smell and pathological murmur, liver and spleen and no tenderness. No swelling of the whole body lymph nodes.
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乳突手术腔外胆脂瘤复发病例,临床上罕见。国外Luetle(1979)曾报告两例,国内迄今尚未见报道,我院从1976~1980年间曾收治2例,现报告如下。 Mastoid operation extraciliary c
攻丝是用丝锥加工内螺纹孔的钳工操作。套丝是用板牙在圆柱形表面上加工加工螺纹的钳工操作。 一、攻丝 1.丝锥和铰杠。丝锥是在孔上加工内螺纹的刀具,它由工作部分和柄部组
例1 孙××男18岁学生1986年6月12日入院。住院号190749主诉:右眼爆竹崩伤10年,眼磨疼、流血水1个月。10年前,将爆竹装入青梅素注射剂空瓶中,点燃爆竹炸后,炸伤右眼。伤后,
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