从东京乘新干线铁路的高速列车,只用了半个多小时,便到达了位于东京正北一百公里的枥木县宇都宫市。日产汽车公司枥木工厂就坐落在它的郊外。 参观枥木工厂是日本外务省为我们访日安排的一个重要项目,我们也把它当作观察日本现代化大企业的一个重要机会。由于日程较紧。此行只有半天多时间,但我们还是觉得这个工厂在现代化技术和现代化管理方面,给我们提供了不少启示。
From Tokyo’s high-speed train on the Shinkansen Railway, it took more than half an hour to reach Utsunomiya City, Tochigi Prefecture, which is located 100 kilometers north of Tokyo. Nissan Motor Co.’s Tochigi factory is located on its outskirts. Visiting the Tochigi Factory is an important project arranged by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs for our visit to Japan. We also regard it as an important opportunity to observe Japan’s large modern enterprises. Due to the tight schedule. This trip lasted only half a day, but we still felt that this factory provided us with a lot of inspiration in terms of modern technology and modern management.