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山东地区发现的北朝摩崖佛教遗迹,主要分布在泰山、峄山周围,并相对集中在泰山之阴、东平湖沿岸、泰山之阳与峄山周围四个小区。峄山周围小区以峄山为中心,北至汶上、宁阳、兖州、曲阜,南到滕州陶山。水牛山佛教遗址位于该区最北部,汶上县白石乡西南部水牛山上。水牛山佛教遗迹主要包括水牛山摩崖刻经1处、《文殊般若波罗蜜经》碑刻1通、佛龛洞2处、寺院遗址1处等遗存。水牛山摩崖石刻为北齐僧人安道一书丹并且摩刻,具有十分重要的史料和书法价值。《文殊般若波罗蜜经》碑,碑额中置佛龛,龛中雕菩萨1尊,两旁雕侍者各2人,下配两狮作朝供状。碑首下阴刻《文殊般若经》经文计297字,书体为由隶向楷过渡,标志着楷书在这一时代已经取代了隶书的地位而成为社会用字的正统字体,对后世尤其唐代楷书形成和发展起了先导作用。 The Northern Dynasties discovered Buddhist cliff ruins of the Northern Dynasties, which are mainly distributed in Mount Tai and Dangshan, and are relatively concentrated in four districts around the Tingshan Lake, the Dongping Lake coast, the Taishan Mountain and the Dangshan Mountain. Hill area around the hill to the mountain as the center, north to Wenshang, Ningyang, Yanzhou, Qufu, south of Tengzhou Tao Shan. Buffalo Buddhist sites located in the northernmost part of the district, Wenshang County, southwest of Whitehead Township buffalo. The Buddhist sites in Mount Buffalo mainly include a stone carving at Mount Buffalos, an inscription of “Manjusri Prajnaparamita”, two shrines and cave temples, and a temple ruin. Mount Buffalo Mount Cliff for the northern monks Andorra book Dan and Mo engraving, has a very important historical and calligraphy value. “Manjusri Prajna Paramita” monument, the amount of stone in the home niche, niche in the carved Buddha 1, on both sides of the waiter each 2 people, with two lions for the next court-like. The inscription “Wenshu Prajna Paramita” in the first volume under the tablet is 297 words in scriptures, and the translation of the scriptures to the scriptures indicates that the regular script has replaced the official script in this era and has become the orthodox type of social characters. The formation and development of the regular script in the Tang Dynasty played a leading role.
考试是教育的重要组成部分。当今,世界上许多国家已把考试作为一门科学来研究,探讨其规律,研究其技术并积极进行改革。 考试的目标与教学的目标是一致的,其内容不超出教学大