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兴趣是探究某种事物或从事活动的意识倾向。这种倾向是和一定的情感体验相联系的,兴趣是在实践中发生、发展起来的主观意识活动,是从事某种活动和追求真理的一种精神力量。兴趣在整个教学活动中起着非常重要的作用,那么,如何培养中专生学习英语的兴趣呢? Interest is the conscious tendency to explore something or engage in activities. This tendency is linked to a certain emotional experience. Interest is a subjective consciousness activity that occurs and develops in practice. It is a spiritual force that engages in certain activities and pursues truth. Interest plays an important role in the entire teaching activity. Then, how can we cultivate the interests of secondary school students in learning English?
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为研究纳秒激光烧蚀铝产生的等离子体羽流膨胀速度特性,采用波长1 064 nm,脉宽10 ns,功率密度~1.3×108W/cm2YAG激光器烧蚀铝靶材,得到100 ns内铝等离子体在~260 Pa背景压力下