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1903年,革命党人、新闻记者沈荩因揭露“中俄密约”被慈禧太后杖毙,这是百年来人们对于“沈荩之死”最为深刻的记忆。然而这一说法,与清宫档案所记,并不吻合。由于主人公沈荩的缺场,及清政府对这一问题的讳而不言,导致“沈荩之死”不仅在沈氏遇害当年就引起很大争议,更在此后百余年中,被以各式各样的形式不断解读。这些解读虽然与历史真相出入甚大,乃至根本相悖,却比真相本身留下更为醒目的印迹。通过展现“沈荩之死”这一历史层积的过程,本文试图反思中国近代史的建构模式,追味历史事件背后的另一重历史。 In 1903, the revolutionist and journalist Shen Yiwen revealed that the “Sino-Russian secret treaty” was executed by the Empress Dowager Cixi. This is the most profound memory people have cherished over the past century for the “death of a gloomy paradise.” However, this statement does not coincide with the records of the Qing dynasty. Due to the absence of the protagonist’s indignation and the fact that the Qing government was silent on the taboo of the issue, the “death of a gloomy” not only caused controversy in the year when Shen was murdered, but more than a hundred years later, A wide range of forms of continuous interpretation. Although these interpretations have great or even incompatible with the historical truth, they leave a more striking impression than the truth itself. By showing the historical stratification process of “the death of a gloomy paradise”, this article attempts to reflect on the mode of construction of modern Chinese history and to follow another important history behind the historical events.
大学毕业后,我来到西部山区的一个偏僻的小村子里支教。  几天后,我已经可以叫出全部二十一名同学的名字,并基本了解了其中二十个同学的性格,只有坐在教室最后排角落里的桐子,像是一潭望不到底的水,让我捉摸不透。  一节语文课上,我正在讲一首名为《植物妈妈有办法》的小诗,当我读到“蒲公英妈妈准备了降落伞,把它送给自己的娃娃。只要有风轻轻吹过,孩子们就乘着风纷纷出发……”时,桐子突然站了起来,急切地问道:“
Hereditary spastic paraplegias are genetically and clinically heterogeneous.Twentysix loci have been identified to date.SPG27 was recently mapped to chromosome
随着高科技的发展,开始有人利用廉价的违法盗窃程序,偷盗国际长途的通话时间,然后卖给小一些的电信公司,一转手就是近百万元的收益。 With the development of high technol
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随着我国基础教育课程改革迅速在全国范围内展开,新课程凸显出全新的课程理念,新课程“课程资源”的概念和含义发生了很大程度的转变。从以学生发展为本 With the rapid ref