
来源 :经济法论丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lizheng124128
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目次一、经济法治与传统法治的内在冲突(一)经济法的模糊性与法治确定性的冲突(二)经济法的开放性与法治自治的冲突(三)经济法的特别适用与法治普遍性的冲突(四)经济法的国家干预性与法治合理性、正当性的冲突二、经济法治悖论的程序法整合(一)经济法律调整对象的变动性与其确定性要求的程序法整合(二)经济法调整对象的开放性与其封闭性运行的程序法统一(三)经济法律的普遍性与社会经济事务个殊性之间的程序法沟通(四)经济法内容的国家输入性与市民社会自治的程序法连接一、经济法治与传统法治的内在冲突经济法是一种新型的法律类型,它对传统法治理论和法治实践的“超越”或者说“背叛”是不言而喻的,对此国内学者高鸿钧教授在论证现代法治的困境时进行了十分精辟的概括和总结:以经济法为代表的实质法治“试图通过对绝对财产权的限制和对弱势群体的特殊关照,抑制功利主义效率所导致的实际不公平后果;通过对绝对契约自由原则加以限制和干预,防止强者利用形式自由的契约压迫甚至变相奴役弱者;通过对特殊情况给予特殊关照,避免 First, the inherent conflict between economic law and traditional law (a) the ambiguity of economic law and the certainty of the rule of law conflict (two) the openness of economic law and the rule of law autonomy (c) the special application of economic law and the universality of the rule of law (Four) the economic law of the state intervention and the legitimacy of the legitimacy of the legitimacy of the conflict two, the paradigm of the rule of law integration of procedural law (A) the change of the object of economic law and its determinants of the requirements of the integration of procedural law ) The unity of procedural law between the openness of the object of economic regulation and its closed operation (3) the communication of procedural law between the universality of economic law and the particularity of social economic affairs (4) the input of the state and the civil society The Connection of Procedural Law of Autonomy I. The Internal Conflicts between Economic Law and Traditional Law The Economic Law is a new type of law that is not true of the ”transcendence“ or ”betrayal“ of the traditional theory of the rule of law and the practice of the rule of law Metaphysics, the domestic scholar Professor Gao Hongjun in the demonstration of the dilemma of modern rule of law carried out a very brilliant summary and conclusion: Economic law as the representative of the rule of law ”trying to pass the absolute property rights System and the special care for vulnerable groups, to curb the actual unfair consequences caused by the utilitarianism’s efficiency. By restricting and intervening the principle of absolute freedom of contract, the strong are prevented from oppressing and even enslaving the weak by using the contract of formal freedom. Through the investigation of special cases Give special attention and avoid
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