我局从 1995年开始逐步推进辖区内的医院感染管理工作 ,逐步形成了辖区内医院感染管理监控网 ,以促进医院加强医院感染控制 ,形成持续质量管理的机制。我们的做法和体会如下 :一、坚持属地管理 ,作好组织协调我区地处北京市的中心城区 ,面积 33万平方公里 ,服务人口 78万。辖区
Since 1995, the SIPO has gradually promoted hospital infection management within its jurisdiction, and gradually formed a hospital infection management and monitoring network within its jurisdiction to promote hospitals to strengthen hospital infection control and form a continuous quality management mechanism. Our practices and experiences are as follows: First, adherence to territorial management, and make arrangements to coordinate our district is located in the central city of Beijing, an area of 330,000 square kilometers, serving a population of 780,000. Area