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图书馆的流通工作是对外服务的窗口,图书馆的藏书是通过流通工作到达读者手中的.流通工作是量大而繁琐的事务性工作,其质量的好坏直接影响到图书馆服务质量的优劣.因此,为读者及时准确提供书刊资料,提高文献工作的质量,对于提高整个图书馆工作的水平,有着重要意义.一、牢固树立全心全意为读者服务的思想图书馆的借阅工作是一项服务性较强的工作,要做好借阅工作,首先要树立全心全意为人民服务的思想,要有正确的工作态度,在工作中要有耐心,态度要和蔼,急读者所急,想读者所想,把困难留给自己,把方便让给读者,尽一切可能使读者高兴而来满意而归.有一次临下班时,一位读者匆匆忙忙来馆说要抢救一位病人,急需找一些外科方面的资料,我们暂不下班,马上进行查找,经过一番周折,终于找到了需要的资料,还给他找了些其他有关的参考资料,解决了他的急需.前不久有一位军事医学科学院的读者要求我帮他查找1976年第2期国外军事医学参考资料,当时我即带他到中文期刊架去寻找,没找到,到复本库查找也没有,我问他是否记错了刊名,可他一口咬定没记错,我想了又想,可能读者在刊名上多加了“参考”二个字,果然在国外军事医学资料架上找到了他需要的文章,这位读者千感谢万感谢地走了.只要我们把读者的事看成自己的事,工作就比较 Library circulation work is the window of external service, the library’s collection of books is through the circulation of work to reach the reader’s circulation work is a large and cumbersome transactional work, the quality of its direct impact on the quality of the library service excellent Therefore, it is of great significance for the readers to timely provide accurate and timely information on the books and periodicals and improve the quality of the literature work, so as to improve the work level of the entire library.First, firmly establish the thought of wholeheartedly serving the readership The library’s borrowing work is a service We must first establish the thinking of serving the people wholeheartedly, have a correct working attitude, be patient in our work, have a good attitude, be anxious for our readers, think what the readers think, Leave the difficulties to themselves, to facilitate the readers, do everything possible to make the readers happy and satisfied .Once came to get off work, a reader hurriedly said that to save a patient, urgent need to find some surgical aspects Of the information, we temporarily do not get off work, immediately find, after some twists and turns, finally found the information needed, returned to him to find some other relevant reference materials, to solve his The urgent need of a short time ago, a military Academy of Medical Sciences readers asked me to help him find the second period in 1976 military medical reference materials, when I took him to the Chinese Journal rack to find, did not find, to find the duplicate library , I asked him if he misread the title, but he insisted that no mistake was taken, I thought for a while, readers may be in the title more than the “reference” word, and indeed found in the military medical information rack He needs the article, thanks to this reader thankful enough to go away as long as we read the reader’s thing as their own, work is more
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