祝第七届全国少数民族传统体育运动会胜利召开 安徽省绿源茶业有限公司 银川浮山茶庄

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安徽省绿源茶业有限公司是一个集多种农产品生产、加工、开发研制、贸易于一体的有限责任公司。注册资金108万元,主管“浮丘丹井”、“六盘山牌”茶叶生产、茶叶包装及其他农副土特产品6大系列300多个品种,兼营旅游开发。销售网络遍及华东沿海及大西北地区的甘肃、宁夏、新疆、陕西、青海等地,并在安徽省繁昌县峨桥茶市及宁夏首府银川市设有分公司。公司在安徽省繁昌县东部浮山之颠建有无公害生态农业示范园500多亩,并修通了直通山顶的盘山公 Anhui Luyuan Tea Co., Ltd. is a collection of a variety of agricultural products production, processing, research and development, trade in one of the limited liability company. Registered capital of 1.08 million yuan, in charge of “floating Qiu Dan wells ”, “Liupan Mountain ” tea production, tea packaging and other agricultural products 6 series more than 300 varieties, 兼营 tourism development. Sales network throughout the East China coast and the Greater Northwest Gansu, Ningxia, Xinjiang, Shaanxi, Qinghai and other places, and Fanchang County in Anhui Province Eichaqiao City and Ningxia capital Yinchuan City has offices. Companies in Fanchang County, Anhui Province, the eastern part of Fushan build pollution-free ecological agriculture demonstration park 500 acres, and repair through the top of the Panshan Gong
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